Aligned Birth
Aligned Birth
Ep 62: Signs of Labor + How Labor Progresses
Did you know there are many symptoms you may experience in late pregnancy that are actually signs of your body is preparing for labor? You may think that the water breaking is the most important signal your body sends you but that is not always the case. In this episode, Doula Rachael breaks down the possible, probable, and positive signs of labor and tips for navigating those final weeks of pregnancy with more ease and confidence. Doula Rachael then dives into the 6 ways labor progresses and how they are assessed and measured and what you can do with this information.
This episode also includes tips for what to do in late pregnancy and early labor to help your body and mind prepare for labor to begin including focusing on the “due month” instead of the “due date”.
The goal is for you to understand how your body prepares for labor and birth, how the baby moves down through the pelvis and the changes occurring within your body to make way for your baby to be born into your arms.
Episode 26: Due Dates and the Holidays
This podcast was created from a desire to share conversations and interviews about topics from pregnancy and birth to motherhood and the importance of a healthy body and mind through it all. Our goal is to bring you fun, interesting, and helpful conversations that excite you and make you want to learn more.
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Editing: Godfrey Sound
Music: "Freedom” by Roa
Disclaimer: The information shared, obtained, and discussed in this podcast is not intended as medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional consultation with a qualified healthcare provider familiar with your individual medical needs. By listening to this podcast you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having. This disclaimer includes all guests or contributors to the podcast.
Do you feel unsure about how and when labor will begin - what it will look and feel like - you may wonder if you will know when it is the real thing...and I am here to tell you that you will know! If you are uncertain, pay attention to the following signs of labor tips and you will feel more confident about knowing what to expect.
Biggest tips are to Listen to your body - pay attention to signs it is giving - and be patient
There is a lot going on inside to prepare for labor - it takes a lot of “warming up” and there is not a switch that automatically sets labor into gear - it takes time for your body to get into labor - learning what occurs in those final weeks of pregnancy can help you feel better as you wait on labor to begin.
How will you know? Here I will share with you the Possible, probable, and positive signs labor is near or beginning:
Possible signs
Nesting urge
soft bowel movements
abdominal cramping
Backache that causes restlessness
Pre Labor signs
- Continuing 'non progressing' contractions (that is, over time,the pattern remains the same; they don’t become longer, stronger or closer together)
- Possible leaking of fluid from the vagina - increased vaginal discharge
- Possible 'show' - bloody mucus discharge from the vagina.
- Mucus plug - thick glob of mucus that comes out at one time - seals backup - protects cervix and uterus
- With these signs, the cervix is probably not dilating significantly, but soft and thinning
Positive signs labor is beginning
- Continuing, progressing contractions that get longer, stronger, and closer together over time. These kinds of contractions create cervical dilation - the uterus is a muscle with the cervix at the bottom - every time you have a contraction, it pulls on the cervix which in turn helps it to thin and dilate. So...long, strong, and close together contractions are effective at creating effective cervical change.
- Another positive sign is your water breaking on its own, especially with a gush of fluid.
- A little more about your water breaking - what is your perception of water breaking. A big misconception is that people think it is a big pop and gush and that you head straight to the hospital. In reality, only 8% of people will experience their water breaking before or at the beginning of labor. For most, the water breaks late in labor. Your water breaking + progressing ctx = positive sign of labor is starting. However, your water may break without labor starting right away - this is a variation of normal. Ideally, it is best to see labor pick-up within 24 hours of your water breaking and it is best if baby is born within 36 hours of your water breaking. This is a good talking point with your care provider so be sure to ask them how they support premature or prolonged rupture of membranes. If you do not experience the pop and gush, you may feel a trickle and confuse it for peeing test this, go to the bathroom, empty your bladder and then do lunges from side-to-side - if it keeps coming out, then it is likely your amniotic fluid. Definitely be in contact with your are provider as they can guide you during this time - you can even go in and they can test to see if your water is broken or not by doing a little swab. If your water breaks at home, be sure to note the time, amount, color, odor (TACO) - if it is anything but clear and odorless, be sure to contact your care provider.
TIP - Conserve energy in the beginning of labor and try to ignore it until you can’t any longer - refer to your A-Z Activity sheet for fun ideas AND...Hydrate, eat well, rest, release tension, take a walk, and take some time to connect with a partner or close family and friends.
Next slide - How is labor progress assessed?
Before my first kid, zero clue what these things were. While this may feel like a lot of technical information, it can be helpful to know what is going inside of your body to help birth your baby. It can also be helpful during labor when the nurses and doctor or midwife are assessing labor can ask more detailed questions and understand what they are communicating with this information.
You may not notice anything on the outside of your body during late pregnancy and early labor but do not worry mama, there is a lot going on inside your body to help prepare for labor and birth your baby. There are 6 main things that occur in order for labor to progress and for your baby to be born.
The first 4 ways labor progress are all about the cervix:
- The cervix is moving forward (instead of pointing posterior)
- The cervix is ripening (getting softer - nose to cheek)
- The cervix is shortening/thinning (effacement - lifesaver)
- The cervix is opening (dilating - fruit)
The last 2 of the 6 ways labor progresses are all about the baby - the baby descends and rotates through the pelvis
- The baby is descending (station -3 high in pelvis to +3 crowing)
- The baby is rotating (7 cardinal movements)
Simultaneously your body is expanding (contraction = expansion)
- Relaxin hormone increases to help the body do this
- Hips and pelvis widening
- Muscles and tissues lengthening
- Cervix dilating
- Vaginal tissues stretching - made to do this - the tissues are made to unfold and return back to normal
The goal is for you to understand how your body prepares for labor and birth, how the baby moves down through the pelvis and the changes occurring within your body to make way for your baby to be born into your arms.
Tips for late pregnancy - waiting on labor to being
- Focus on due month
- Drink red raspberry leaf tea - helps strengthen uterine muscles
- Eat dates - scientifically proven to shorten length of pregnancy
- Walk 20-30 minutes each day
- Sit on your yoga ball while working/watching TV - big hip circles can help baby engage
- Standing mountain pose - inhale - extend - inhale - extend further - then do sundial on both sides
- Visit your Webster certified chiropractor 2 times a week if possible
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
- Alternate rest and activity
- Soak in epsom salt baths
- If it’s warm where you are, swimming in the pool can feel great and help baby be in a good position
- Do fun activities that release your love hormone (oxytocin): sexy time with partner, dinner dates, watch a funny movie, prenatal massage, manicure with a girlfriend, hiking in nature, whatever makes you feel happy, safe, and comfortable.