Aligned Birth
Aligned Birth
Ep 84: A Tale of 2 Home Births with Prenatal Chiropractor Dr. Baley White
Why choose a home birth? This is one of the first questions Dr. Shannon asks Dr. Baley in today’s podcast interview. These two friends and colleagues dive deep into Dr. Baley’s birth stories, which happen to be two very different home births. She shares her birth stories with grace and honesty, and so much joy. They talk about:
- Why home birth
- The differences between her 2 births
- What steps she took to support her birth plan
- Who was on her birth support team (Dr. Shannon and doula Rachael play a part!)
- How her career as a chiropractor shaped her birth plan
- How she approached the idea of a home birth with her husband
- How she supported herself during her postpartum recovery
Connect with Dr. Baley - website
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Music: "Freedom” by Roa
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Unknown 0:00
Hello, hello, you are listening to the aligned birth Podcast. I'm Dr. Shane and one of the hosts of the show and today's interview day. So I am joined with a fellow chiropractor and friend, colleague and so I'm so excited to have Dr. Bailey white on the show today. And so, what we're gonna chat about is her birth stories. And so I'm really excited to kind of dive deep into how she approached both reversi. She has two little boys. But yeah, so Dr. Bailey she's a life University graduate 2018 She's Webster certified. So she has that advanced prenatal training and that she also has published research on the Webster technique. She's mom to two boys under two. That's a big, that's a big star that goes there. And they were both born through homebirth. And so she also is a former collegiate volleyball player, but she still plays as well. And so I'm excited to have on the show today because Dr. Bailey and I actually know each other like in real life. And I think we met when I was working at the office. I first started in out of school and I think she was interning there and we'll check because I feel like we've talked about this before. I can't figure out I've like, I don't remember who we met, but I think we met there and so I've been able to work with her through her two pregnancies. So today we're going to chat about her two home births. The differences between the two how she supported herself what did her birth support team look like? Why home birth and then a little bit into I want to know if her background in chiropractic and that aspect of things really influenced her birth plan. And I want to also chat a little bit about her husband's thoughts on home birth and what his reaction was when she says, I think I want to have these babies at home. So I'm so excited to have you on the show today, Bailey.
Unknown 1:53
Yes, I am so excited to be on here. Thanks. And I'm excited to tell my story because it's fun, and I like it. I'm excited to tell it. Yes, I
Unknown 2:02
know. I wish all mamas were like I want to tell my birth story, you know, and like a beautiful way it doesn't have to be like oh, it was hard and painful because it is hard and painful. But there's also beauty in it.
Unknown 2:11
So exactly.
Unknown 2:14
So I want to jump right in with because I was trying to think of okay, how do I want to outline this show and where should we start and I in my head. I was like maybe we'll start chronological and why chiropractic and blah, blah, blah. And as you can do it no, I want to know, right off the bat. Why homebirth and what made you go that route?
Unknown 2:34
All right. Um, so I got pregnant with my first Griffin in the summer of 2020. So Pete COVID time, you know, and all the hospital rules were definitely like interesting. Like, I don't know if Cody is going to be able to be there stuff like that. And I always kind of thought I think because of the chiropractic background that I wanted to do something a little more natural. So with I went to a midwife, and I went to my OBGYN, try them both out. And because Kody couldn't come to the OBGYN it definitely pushed me a little bit more to the home birth. And, again, just meeting the people was great. And another aspect is, because I was a volleyball player, I have previous knee injuries. And so I've had a couple of knee surgeries and the thought of being back in the hospital again just I knew was not going to be a calming space that would be helpful for my birth. So
Unknown 3:44
now that aren't to think of that saying like, um, I don't have this feeling with hospitals that puts me at ease. Yeah,
Unknown 3:53
exactly. side of it.
Unknown 3:57
So you kind of have all all kinds of little things kind of sprinkled in there and you were like, well, maybe homebirth.
Unknown 4:02
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown 4:06
Okay, so now we can kind of jump into Alright, how because you supported yourself. I feel like you I don't know if you'd had the same verse support teams like the idea with both births. But let's go into Yeah, you approached Cody and said, Hey, I want to do a home birth. What was his reaction?
Unknown 4:29
So when I first brought it up to him, he was definitely very Oh, I don't think you should do that. Because, I mean, I was kind of leaning towards homebirth from the beginning. And the reason I went to the OBGYN was kind of to be like, hey, Cody, I'll try this for you. We'll see how it goes. And as soon as I went, you know, I was there alone. It was very, you know, straightforward. Again, having a birth in a hospital is great, but I knew it wasn't for me. So I kind of went into that OBGYN meeting like, alright, I don't think this is where I want to be. So I'll just do it go through the motion. But anyway, so Cody was not on board at first, but as soon as I came back from that first OBGYN meeting, and like he could tell that I was just like, No, that's not for me. He was very much on board like alright, well, you're the one having the baby. So whatever you want, and I'll support you so I'm very thankful for that. I
Unknown 5:25
love that you did. Interview because you know and I know you work with a lot of moms too. And so some of the moms I have as well they'll they'll go through and they'll have a home birth midwife, but sometimes they will go through the interview process with OBS too, because you've got to kind of interview and see what fits with you. You know, so I'm glad that you did that. Even if you did go into the OB with a little bit of luck. You're like I did it. But you never know you could have been surprised.
Unknown 5:54
Unknown 5:56
yeah. So I love hearing too that he was hesitant. I don't know if you hear a lot of this a lot in the office but a lot of times I'll have moms will be like Oh, I really wanted I really think I could do home births or wanted to or you know, and they are set with an OB practice. Obviously nothing wrong with that. But in their mind they think oh, I really wish I could try homebirth but my husband my partner spouse is not as supportive. And so I don't know I hear that a lot as I hear that a lot too. It's tough so do you what did that conversation look like with Cody was it was he pretty much like okay like what you said when he when you came back from the OB he was like, Oh,
Unknown 6:37
I can tell ya he could tell. I mean, he was also with me through all my previous knee surgeries, so he knows how I am in a hospitalist well. Because yeah, the last so my last knee surgery like I had a complete breakdown like I was crying, you know, going into that surgery and so him seeing that I think he kind of knew that the hospital birth wasn't really going to be my thing either. So, again, I think him seeing me previously in the hospital definitely helped shape and be like, okay, she'll be fine. At home. She'll be better at home. I get no better. Yeah.
Unknown 7:17
Okay, so how did you prepare and prep for that first home birth? So I
Unknown 7:24
did a lot of research. I think it's, you know, the fact that I've been to chiropractic school and I've been in school for so many years that I was like, I'm going to prepare, I'm going to research I'm gonna learn everything I can about it. And having the Webster background definitely helped like, Alright, I have a good baseline I can build off of that. So I did obviously met with my midwives, you know, went to all the shows and would ask multiple questions like I would come in with a list like alright, I have a question on that. So I have a question on this. And they were always very open and answering those questions. And then I did two different verse courses. So I did a hypno birthing type course and then I did a mom a natural course. And I really enjoyed both of those. I also did birth fit to prepare for my birth, and I did some pelvic floor physical therapy. And eventually I got into hiring a doula with my first one, which I think we might dive into a little later and a question. So I got a good support team around me and you were also the very first person that I contacted I think that found out that I was pregnant. I was like, hey, I need a guy Rector. Yay.
Unknown 8:39
I think that's like the best part of our offices as well too, because I'm always like, the first one to know.
Unknown 8:44
Oh, yeah, usually the very first one so no, no,
Unknown 8:48
I'm like, this makes me so happy. Yay. No and I that's why I wanted you to share your verse support team with the first one because then I know you've made some changes to with the second one as far as just having different people you know, and those type of things so and then we've even had Dr. Ashley on who's also a fellow prenatal chiropractor whose birth fit instructor and we talk a lot about that and I love I love birth fit there. So I love your support team with that first one. Did you what did you learn from that?
Unknown 9:28
Um, I learned a lot of so I mean going into pregnancy you know, you know the basics. sorta doing like, okay, Mom has a kid, you know, again, you learn from Hollywood, I guess it's kind of how you start. Uh huh. And so I learned through especially birth that like I loved all the different movements and stuff especially you know, me having my background in volleyball and all that kind of stuff. It was just like, okay, I can keep moving through this. And it definitely allowed me to continue playing volleyball through pregnancy. And so that was great. Like, knowing that pregnancy doesn't have to change what you're doing, in a sense, like it doesn't have to hold you back. So that was that was definitely a big eye opener that I learned during pregnancy and I was very appreciative of that one. Another thing I learned is just, there are so many different things to changes, you know, and it's good to have so many people on your side to like, alright, this is different. Why is this different and figuring it out as you go along? So,
Unknown 10:34
um, I love all of those. I mean, also to knowing and having done exercise with both of my pregnancies, too. I feel like sometimes it's like it's viewed as like a handicap in some ways it can be you know, obviously, we're not moving exactly the same. But the fact that you can still move and that movement is so important and crucial for pregnancy. So, yeah. That That all makes sense. I love that your birth support team was so diverse as well to, you know, some and working with pelvic floor PTS as well. I know a lot of times, we talk about the postpartum time period with the pelvic floor PT, but
Unknown 11:16
you went while you were pregnant.
Unknown 11:18
So how do you think that helped and impacted for for birth experience?
Unknown 11:28
Um, I think so. Again, going to the pelvic floor physical therapist, like they were big on giving me like, specific pushing positions and stuff like that. And again, them knowing that I had an homebirth like I had that free range to move around and I was probably going to be in a pool and you know, as I would like to have been and things like that, they were they were very good at like, Alright, try these positions. And again, all of those positions, like everything kind of aligned with like my birthday classes and like, all my other support team, so you know, they my pelvic floor PT might have been like, Alright, make sure you do a nice deep squats and then I would look at like my birth fit like workout that weekend, like alright, we're working on deep squats this week. So it was really, really great how it all like went hand in hand.
Unknown 12:15
That's and it's good to hear that information from a couple different places, but also, maybe learning like just little slight differences here. You know, that type of squat now. I love it. Okay, so how did it unfold?
Unknown 12:32
All right, well, so the first one obviously going into birth, your first birth, you have no idea what to expect. Like you can read everything. You can learn everything and you're like, I have no idea what this is about to be. And so for every single one of my providers was like, Okay, it's your first birth, you're probably gonna go past 40 weeks. And you know, I had that in my mind as like, I'm not going to expect a baby probably until like, you know, I'm going to start counting down probably after 41 weeks, you know, that comes before that it'll be great. But 41 weeks, I'll be like, alright, I can make it till 41 weeks.
Unknown 13:08
Unknown 13:09
my son was born at 39 weeks in one day, so I was not prepared at all. But I think that's what made it such a great birth because I didn't have that like, Alright, when do you come in? Is this something is this something so I woke up on the 27th Saturday morning, in the middle of the night, and it was like 3am And I was like, oh, man, my stomach hurts. And knowing my husband, I knew that I couldn't tell him yet because as soon as I told him that I think I'm in labor. He would be wide awake right behind me like what can I do? What can I do, which is great, but not maybe you didn't meet that right that yeah, not necessarily like three because again, I was still trying to figure out like, what is this? Is this labor? Is this did I just eat something bad? Am I getting sick? Like, we don't really know yet. And so that morning, I remember just kind of laboring around the house like trying to figure out what it is again, still back in my mind like it's only 39 weeks like it's not labor but eventually things continue to unfold. I'm timing contractions, you know, finally realizing, alright, these are contractions. And I get to a point that we call the doula she comes about I think, like 7am she gets there starts helping and at that point, Cody was up to obviously helping and we're figuring it out and trying to get through it laboring at home drawing all these positions, you know, timing contractions like, Alright, I think this is continuing. And again, in the back of my mind, everyone's like Alright, first Labor's can also take a while. So I'm thinking, Alright, I'm in this for the long haul, like it'll probably you know, it'll probably taper down during the day and then it'll build back up at night, you know, because again, that's what I've read. That's what everyone's told me. But no, my labor just kept continuing, which I'm very thankful for. It keeps building keep building. Laboring around the house, you know, I get in our bathtub and our midwife shows up and she kind of checks everything and they don't tell kinda like size or centimeters. But I found these out later, but I think when she arrived, I was already about like seven centimeters dilated when she kind of showed up. And so I continue to labor. The rest of the day we fill up the pool and oh, my gosh, having that birth pool was the best thing ever. Like, I tell anyone that's bringing out like, if you can get a pool like I highly recommend it. I loved it. I know it's not for everyone, but I loved it. And so just that really, you know, breathing through the contractions and keep getting longer and closer. It's still building. And then I think they said it was probably about a 10 hour labor. So yeah, I get in the pool the first time thanks kind of stopped, but they didn't really go backwards. So we've kind of got to a point and we're like, alright, we need to get out of the pool. See if we can keep things going. I think because I was stuck at about nine and a half centimeters for a little while. And so I got out of the pool hoping that walking around would kind of get me into that final 10 centimeters. So we got out of the pool, they drained it and once I got out of the pool, it was like oh man, things started kicking on strong again. So I remember Cody, you know, he was such a great support and I had a doula there she was a great support to and you know, at one point Cody jumped in the pool to like squeeze on my hips and my Doula just massaging my shoulders, you know, just trying to help me stay as calm and relaxed as possible. And I remember Cody after the birth, he's like, man I was holding you up for some of those contractions and I didn't know how I was going to do it, but I knew that I couldn't complain because obviously, you were a little more. Exactly. Good on UK. Yeah, but anyway, so I get out of the pool. Then they drain it, refill it. Give me some new, you know, warm water and then I get back in the pool and we finally hit that 10 centimeter mark and that's when, you know I start to hit the exhaustion phase. I remember sitting in the pool laying there like laying over the sides and I'm just like oh man, these are getting tough. And I finally you know, you start, I guess this is now the transition part, obviously. And I'm sitting there and I'm saying alright, I can do this. I can do this, like in between every contraction. I'm like, I can do this. I can do this. I have to talk myself through it. And and then a contraction comes and then right afterwards I'm like, Oh, I can't do it. I can't do it. And then I have to keep you know talking myself up my Doula the midwives are all like you know helping me like you got this you got this. All the while for Cody's in my closet because I'm in my bedroom and it's not a huge room so Cody's kind of shoved into the closet near the pool and pour Cody's over in the closet because I keep saying that I can't do this. He doesn't realize that that's a very common thing in the closet crying thinking Where are we going to land this helicopter? How are we going to get to the hospital all the while trying to be called for me. But eventually so contractions gives you a longer getting stronger, and even a couple of the contractions I remember I'd fallen asleep in between them. Because I was like, Alright, I'm tired, but we can do this. And there's also a point and this was probably the turning point where I was just like, they kept saying just one more you know, that's the mantra is like, just gotta get through one more contraction just one more contraction. And I remember saying, You keep saying one more, how many more after that point, it was probably you know, like two or three more and you know, you feel you have to bear down and Griffin slide right out in one push because I was done waiting a few slides right out. He you know, he's born in the water. He comes out and he put him on my chest and I just remember that sense of like, pure joy and like, it was unreal. Just he lays on my chest and it's like, I did it. This is amazing. And you have like the best feeling in the world. Like all of that pain or, you know, you went through was gone. Like you would have had no idea that you just burned. It was unreal. So that was my friend.
Unknown 20:22
Yeah. You know, and this reminds me though, and Rachel and I have talked about this so much is that dichotomy of like birth is yes is painful, but it's like it there's two truths to it's also so incredibly like empowering and forth, you know, whatever that experience is so and I remember I saw something recently online and people were no sort of graphic or something. And it was like, when someone finds out that you want to do an unmedicated birth, like why would you want to do that like when you have the option for these pain meds, but it also said Why does anybody choose to like run a marathon or our sport? It's like, it's part of that process. So I love hearing you
Unknown 21:09
talk about like, I gave you this. I can't do this. Like ah
Unknown 21:16
ah, that's so cool. And again, too, because I remember you weren't. Did you were gonna have like a playlist, right? Like a music playlist. Yeah, so my pad was think I remember that from your bookstore. Yeah. So
Unknown 21:28
my first birth again, I was planning everything late. So I actually had my last day of work was that Friday, and so I was planning that whole week. off and I was like, I was gonna pack my hospital bag. I was gonna be my playlist. I was gonna get the house ready. Because our room was small. We had to move the bed in order to fit the pool in. So I'm going to contraction moving the bed with my husband trying to get it ready for a pool. Like what is happening? So yeah, things are not perfectly set up, but we you know, we made it work.
Unknown 22:01
I think that's how it was supposed to be right? Yeah. And you don't have little babies either. So how how?
Unknown 22:12
Griffin actually was kind of small. He was only a seven pound. five ounce baby. Oh, so he
Unknown 22:23
he's so big man.
Unknown 22:24
But he jumped up very quick did okay. Yeah, my second one was different though.
Unknown 22:29
Yeah. So and after after we go through the second homebirth that maybe one chat just a little bit on like your postpartum as well too. Because I know I didn't have that argument. It's like I didn't even think about how the steps you took to prepare for postpartum but um, okay. So we're gonna flash forward a couple years. And you're you get pregnant with your second. And what does that preparation look like and what how did you kind of view birth at that point?
Unknown 23:07
Okay, so with the second the second was,
Unknown 23:11
we'll say a little bit of a surprise. So
Unknown 23:16
Hudson was born 16 and a half months after Griffin was born. So quick turnaround. And I remember finding out with Hudson and I was just like, Alright, we're going to do this again. And knowing that I had gone through a homebirth once I knew that that's what I was going to do again. So assembling my team, like I knew what I wanted. I didn't have to do as much research I guess. The second time around. So that was definitely like, a weight off my shoulders. And it sounds like I know what I want. I can get you know, I was like I know I can get there and I know what all helped me and that's what I want to accomplish again. So assembling that team was a lot easier the second time around and obviously I knew what I wanted.
Unknown 24:04
But yeah, so who all did you change who not necessarily specific people but anything Did you add in anything extra or did you take out any other? No, I
Unknown 24:18
did not add anything extra I believe but people change. So yeah. My midwife she had left the practice she was in and then had her own so I stayed with my same midwife. But that was a little change. I had to drive a little further to see her which I didn't love but it was so worth it because I knew that you know, we got along so well and she was a great a great support for me the first time around. My doula had actually moved to California. So she was out of the question. So I had to get a new lab, which obviously through you we found Rachel and Hannah, and they were they were wonderful.
Unknown 25:04
Yeah. And Rachel from Yeah, on the pocket. So that's super fun.
Unknown 25:08
And good. And then my pelvic floor physical therapist, I actually found someone way closer to me. Again, through you and through chiropractic. I kinda you know, met Dr. Randy and she. She was wonderful and very helpful throughout the whole thing as well. So same set of people but just different personnel.
Unknown 25:32
Somebody Yeah, I say the same. Yay. Yeah. Did you and you still did birth fit? Yes, things was it? Was it different trying to maintain birth fit and exercise because you also had a 16?
Unknown 25:52
Yes. So I feel like when I got pregnant the second time around, I was just finally getting back into like, Alright, let's get back into my routine, my workout routine and stuff like that. So I was just starting to get back into it. And I would we were just starting to get Griffin into the childcare at the gym and he was going through a very shy phase so it was 5050 If we were going to be able to stay at the gym to without Gribben having a huge freakout, so that definitely changed it some so it was a lot of at home workouts. It seemed to be more with like holding Griffin when I'm doing a lunge or things like that. But I tried to maintain but I was definitely more on top of it with Griffin than I was a second time around.
Unknown 26:38
I mean I noticed that a lot with with all the moms that come you know, I'm sure and you'd say me too. It's like it's it's definitely harder. And it always changes to with how close they are because mine are three years apart. So you know, we were out of like we had potty trained, like those type of things. So it was completely different and it's, it's, you know, it's a little bit of a shorter amount of time, but still it's like a difference can make a huge impact in how you feel during pregnancy. And did you What did you do about birth courses and stuff like did you just do refreshers, or were you kind of like no, I feel very prepared in that area.
Unknown 27:20
Yeah, I did not do any thing else. I told myself and if I get a moment, you know, I'll try checking it out. I never got a moment to redo it. But I think it was close enough in time that I still do all of the main concepts that I wanted to bring through like my breathing that I remembered from my hypnobirthing and the mama natural course I also had the mom unnatural book. So I just read that instead of actually going back through the course. I love that book. Oh yeah, it's one of my favorites. I tell all my friends to Hey, you want to try this book? And now is the traveling book between like me and all my pregnant friends? Yes, like your next two years? Yeah, really?
Unknown 28:03
Um, okay, so let's see how did because I know this one was a little bit different. So what how does this second birth?
Unknown 28:14
All right, so the second one. So the first one like I said, I expected everything to be later. Well, the first or the second one. I was like, Oh, the first one came early, so this one might come early too. So this time I was prepared and like 36 weeks anytime after 36 weeks, I was prepared. I had
Unknown 0:00
Have everything ready to go. And then Hudson decides to come at 41 weeks in one day.
Unknown 0:07
They were a little swamped
Unknown 0:11
so from the get go with Hudson, I was very much like oh, is this something like I would get like little like indigestion from eating you know, because you're pregnant you have a baby filling up your inside so every time I would get like little ingesting is that something? Is that something so I was very hyper vigilant this second time around. Again knowing what to kind of expect but also wanting to stay like just wait, just wait, it'll come. So the second time around, it was very different in that sense. Not being as much I mean, it's always a surprise but not being as much of like, oh my gosh, this is really happening. So anyway, so Hudson came at 41 weeks in one day. So that I think toward I think it was after 38 weeks with you, I would be like alright, I'm just gonna schedule the next one. And then hopefully I won't see you until the next time or I wasn't till after a baby and then that went on for you know, three weeks obviously. And finally, one Wednesday I was like alright, we're gonna go get adjusted. I got adjusted, and I'm not ride home after getting adjusted from you. I had a true contraction driving home and I was just like, Oh, that was strong. I remember I was like, thank goodness
Unknown 1:36
that I do not live far away because that would have been a rough drive. It would be in the backseat.
Unknown 1:43
So anyway, I got home that afternoon. I think it was probably about 330 I got home and man Griffin we're just hanging out outside because again, I was like alright, labor will you know, it'll be a little faster than last time but I didn't expect much faster. So I was like, Alright, I feel some contractions. This could be something so we're hanging out outside griffins wandering around and I can't fall Griffin around because I have to keep stopping because I'm like, Oh man, this hurts. And I was like all right, let me call Cody just be like Hey, make sure you come straight home from work today. You know cuz I think things might be happening. I don't want to jinx it but things might be happening. So I call him probably around 345 Just letting him know like just come home straight after work. So I'm thinking about 515 530 He should be home and things will be moving about 15 minutes later I give him a call write back and say I think you should come home right now. So very fast. The second time around because like I said I couldn't follow Griffin around so it was like alright grip and we have to go inside because I can't chase you if you're
Unknown 2:58
leaving this house. Yeah.
Unknown 3:01
So we get inside Cody comes home and these contractions are strong. So my first breath, you know the contraction slowly built up. The second time contraction started very strong like I had to sit and take a breath in between each one like it was like, alright, except back and then we can go again. But in my mind still like all right, things are gonna slowly build up like you just weren't as prepared for this one, I guess like it's all right. We'll get through it. And so we get home. And we also obviously having Griffin we have to plan for someone to come pick him up so Cody's mom is supposed to come pick up Griffin. And so we call her again about four and it's like hey, you're probably going to need to come pick up Griffin. Like, just start getting prepared. Like we'll let you know when you need to come get them still in the back of my mind, like Alright, after she's done working should be totally fine. So, we go inside, I just kinda you know, try walking around staying relaxed, things like that playing with grip and just keep my mind off of it. And but also in the back of our mind. We only have a two bath house and Griffin earlier that week had decided to put a block down the toilet and stop one of the toilets up. That's right. So we also in the back of our minds, we're like well, we're about to have a bunch of people in our house and only having one toilet when personally I like to labor on the toilet is not going to be great. So Cody's like alright, we can fix this. Can you come help me fix this and was like yeah, I can do this. It'll keep my mind off of it. Bad idea. I walked to the bathroom go to try and help him fix the toilet and I just lay on the floor like no, I can't do it. This contraction is holding like God, I'm done. And he's like, okay, so I should definitely call my mom is. So at that point. Because Griffin's still home and I'm laboring pretty strong. I'm just like, I'm just gonna go back into our bathroom into our room like, I will be back there. That's my sanctuary and just be kind of contractions, you know, talking to all that and Cody's got Griffin. So it was a lot different in the sense that I was doing a lot more on my own the second time around because Cody had Griffin and Hannah, who was the doula she was probably about an hour away and Tanya being farther away was pretty far as well. And also would it be five o'clock about rush hour time? Definitely give us a little as well. So Cody's mom finally gets there. To pick up grip and probably around 3545 ish. And Griffin leaves and so then Cody's able to come up to meet me and also the assistant doula or student or not doula midwife. She lives just around the corner, thank goodness and she was also my assistant midwife for my previous birth too. So she was wonderful as well. Luckily, she got there probably about six o'clock I think. So she was able to check me and kind of do everything until Tanya was able to show up. But at that point, I was already in the bathtub because I was like, these are strong. I need some sort of relief, like just sitting here and trying to breathe through and it's not working like I am ready. I'm feeling like I'm gonna have a baby anytime now. And so by the time the student midwife showed up, I was already ready to like, Alright, I think I could have a baby. And then probably about 30 minutes later, like 636 45 the way Wait, no, this was closer to six now. So yeah, you're like, I don't know losing track of like timing. I was like, it was so quick that I feel like it should have been longer but it was shortly after. My student midwife was there, Hannah shows up and Hannah, I remember sitting afterwards, she's like, I showed up. I heard you moaning. And I thought to myself, I might be the one delivering this baby. But luckily when Hannah showed up that my student midwife was already there. And at that point, when Hannah had showed up, I was already in the pool. So I was in the pool, laboring trying to call my breath, all that kind of stuff and Hannah gets there and then probably about 30 minutes later, my actual midwife Tanya shows up. And about eight minutes after Tonya shows up. Hudson was born. Like I said, I had a student midwife there and so she was actually the one laborer who delivered Hudson and everything but once I got in the pool with the second or during Hudson's birth, it was probably a matter of 20 minutes, I would say of pushing until Hudson came out so I got into the pool. I started on my back, just kind of sitting there, legs, legs up, leaning backwards, kind of like you would be in a hospital bed. And my the student midwife had checked and she's like, Yeah, I I'm pretty sure that you're complete. So if you want you know, it's like you can push if you want, and on my back, you know, I tried pushing and again, in my mind, I was like, This baby's not It's not time yet It hasn't been long enough. So then, eventually, we, you know, I was like, ah, not feeling it on my back. And so, Hannah, kind of Hannah and Amanda, my midwife and doula had kind of suggested maybe we roll to our side and so I tried to side and, you know, we push a couple times there and it still wasn't quite right. And eventually, Tonya shows up, I flipped to my hands and knees and out pops Hudson. So definitely, this second birth, I really learned that my positioning of how I'm at helps a whole lot with delivery. And again, Hudson was born and one push because
Unknown 9:49
once I'm ready for that baby to come out, I will allow them to push that.
Unknown 9:54
That is I still remember what your your breasts are. And it was like, Oh, the midwife was almost not there. Like it was almost like everybody. Yes, I
Unknown 10:04
remember you saying it happens so quickly. So fast. Yes. Yeah. So I think they timing of that one was about a three hour labor.
Unknown 10:14
That's insane. But I love what you learned to as far as that movement and positioning is so key and so that you had the freedom to be able to, you know, move instead of being confined to something where it's like, okay, this is not working. Exactly. I mean, that's huge. That's huge. I love it. I just love your stories and so, I do want to touch a little bit on that, you know, you mentioned to kind of like going through postpartum but I also want to know with your chiropractic background education, did that influence I know you mentioned a little bit like yes helping influence that the birth that you wanted to have it but you know, any other thoughts on that or like how your preview because again, too, you mentioned Yeah, how we learned birth is typically through like Hollywood sometimes. And so which is not obviously not very, very accurate or very real. And so, did that chiropractic background really influenced that first decision?
Unknown 11:33
Oh, yes. 100% I would, for sure say if it wasn't for chiropractic, I don't think homebirth really would have been on my mind. I think I would have stood like I would have done that hospital birth, but not been as comfortable. So I think chiropractic definitely opened up my eyes to that idea of home birth. For it being something that was achievable because, you know, in chiropractic school, there's definitely a lot more people that have that homebirth so I was able to see that other people had accomplished it. And it was doable, because growing up you know, it was you have that hospital birth but you know, my parents had me and my sister in a hospital my husband all of you know, his siblings are in a hospital. You know, everyone around you has that hospital birth. So that's what you know, you think you're supposed to do and I think chiropractic school hearing that homebirth was an option and seeing it be accomplished. Again, I also remember doing my Webster certification. Um, she talked about her birth and I remember hearing her like, we did it just the two of us, you know, and we did it at home and I was I remember hearing that and that was definitely a part of me thinking, okay, she can do it at home like I can do it at home. And so I definitely appreciate, you know, getting to do that Webster certification through her and learning about the homebirth. And I think that did inspire me a good bit for it.
Unknown 13:01
I loved her stories to tell in the Webster training. I know. It was very impactful. So yeah, I know and it's just kind of like you, you always could have done it but it's kind of seeing other people and it's like yeah, okay, this is possible. And so I think that's where you're talking about those. Those births
Unknown 13:21
are important to people know that could use are some options and I know you're not alone
Unknown 13:27
in the uptick in home births, during pandemic aspect of things because people were very much I mean, I had several moms in the office, it was the same way and it was like well, I mean, I'm okay with a home birth, but now we're definitely doing it because I really want you know, my husband partner there for the birth. So yeah, that's a big part too. What did you do postpartum because I know you were also very intentional with your postpartum care, your postpartum healing and recovery. And I think to you having that sports background, you know, wanting to return to a certain level of fitness but you I think the way that you went about was part of this really good it's not it's not like too rushed. And so I want to know how you set up your, your postpartum recovery. Yeah, so
Unknown 14:16
with Griffin, I don't think I had as much of a postpartum recovery as I did with Hudson. So I definitely learned through my postpartum journey with Griffin and I think I made it better my second time around with Hudson, because I was just talking about coding the other day about this is I definitely feel a lot better, physically the second time around, because I did things a little differently than the first time. So I just did one follow up pelvic floor physical therapy session that they recommended with my previous physical therapist, and it was good you know, she gave me a few exercises and you know, nothing wrong with it, but it wasn't as specialized and specific, I guess, and that it was just kind of like, Alright, do these few exercises every day. It'll continue to strengthen and you'll be good. And so to me, I was like, okay, that's fine. And I also kind of follow birth fits plan. They do like aligning in so you try to rest and just work on your breathing those first few days just to activate that core, and then slowly build up from there. And again, with Griffin, I didn't you know, it's that first kid you kind of get overwhelmed like am I doing this right? Should I do this? I should be doing this and I didn't have that urge to go back to the gym right away. Because I just wanted to spend that time with Griffin you know, I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right. So getting back into the gym and getting that movement definitely was slower with Griffin but I was a lot more likely to do like walks and stuff. So I did very simple exercises, but that's huge. That's not what I enjoy as much I'm more of like Alright, get me in the gym we do some lifting and stuff like that. And dynamic exercises is more my style. So with grip and like I said I did more of just like walking and going to the park and things like that which was good. But to get back to where I wanted and what I wanted to do. It wasn't quite right for that aspect. So with Hudson my second things changed in the sense that I had more of a tear with Hudson because obviously it was a lot faster and I wasn't in the pool as long so I don't think that helped. Yeah, so after Hudson I had five days that I was supposed to stay in bed they recommended a week but my midwife knew me and knew that I wasn't going to stay in bed for a whole week. So she's like, do five days you can do five days. Give me five days. Okay, fine. So I made it those five days and I definitely took it a lot slower after Hudson of like alright, let me not do too much activity. Because like I said after Griffin I felt so good. Like I felt like I could do anything. So I you know I started walking and might have overdone it a little bit with Griffin. But again, it wasn't my normal high volume, high intensity stuff. So I was like Oh, I'm fine. But again with Hudson I was a lot more intentional the second time around. So I knew that okay, if I'm going down these stairs, I'm going to do it right I'm gonna work on my breath, and things like that and also having I had two postpartum visits with Tanya afterwards. I think that helped as well because it was like an earlier check in around like two to three weeks. Of like, Hey, how are you doing? And that definitely helped a lot and then having that other you know, six week visit. Also around six weeks the second time around with Hudson. I saw Dr. Brand new my pelvic floor physical therapist. And we did a lot more work with the pelvic floor physical therapy and that made a huge difference in my recovery because I I just played in a volleyball tournament last weekend and I don't think I had any problems like in the lady area I guess per se and thing and running and other than my body being extremely sore because it was a lot of activity. But overall, it was great. And I definitely think that seeing brandy helped a whole lot in that area. And obviously seeing you I saw you car practically both times afterwards.
Unknown 18:51
Right, right. Yeah. And so
Unknown 18:53
that's something that didn't change between the two. So that was just a consistent throughout. But like I said I was a lot more intentional the second time around with what sort of activities I was doing. And also now having two kids I knew that I wanted my little bit of time away and having the gym childcare is kind of like my little sanctuary. So the second time around, being able to kind of get my 30 minutes in the gym, I think has helped a lot and so I've been able to get back into it quicker the second time.
Unknown 19:27
I know my post to post problems are very different too. And I remember the same thing. I just felt like the second one I did a much better job of resting. Yeah. And I think I slept like that transition back into movement was easier. It wasn't so it wasn't rushed, you know, but it was yeah, it was just definitely that more intentional. So it's crazy what we learn, you know, with each of those, each of those. Yes. Well, so much fun. I love hearing. I don't know I love hearing your birth stories. And I wanted to share because it's because it's home births but it was I just remember working with you and that second time around and it was like, like, and I'm still pregnant. Like it was, you know, just kind of outside of that comfort zone for you as far as like we know that birth is unpredictable. Right? Yeah. Now you're actually having to walk it.
Unknown 20:22
Second time so yeah, like I bet I remember having a couple of moms come in being like, ah, yeah, it's, I'm over the due date and I was like, It's okay. You just gotta it's gonna happen when it's gonna happen and I had to like eat my own words like it's gonna happen. And again, it was perfect. I loved it, but it was very different. The two of us it's very different idea.
Unknown 20:44
Well, thank you so much my friend for being on the show. I know I love talking about your hunger story. So I appreciate you coming on and sharing. And for those listening, be sure to share this interview with friends and family. To talk hop on Instagram and find us at align for are aligned underscore for who we share all kinds of our birthday things and I also want a baby I want you to mention where people can find you and your office and those things. If I know your I know you're raising kids, but you know, you've got your you've got your work that you do too. So where can people find you? Yes, so
Unknown 21:27
currently I'm not doing much right now we're in the process of moving and raising kids. But you can find more of my information I have a website at Dr. Bailey cairo.com. That's Dr. B A L ey chro.com.
Unknown 21:42
Yay. Again, thank you so much for tuning in. And be sure to subscribe because we've got new episodes that come out every Wednesday.
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