Aligned Birth
Aligned Birth
Ep 73: Five Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care
Prenatal chiropractic care has some well”ish”-known benefits (of course Dr. Shannon thinks more people could know about the benefits) but she has been documenting some of those lesser-known ones for a bit too and has compiled a list of commonalities. You might be familiar with pregnant women seeking chiropractic care for aches and pains such as sciatica, low back pain, and pelvic pain. You might also be familiar with women seeking chiropractic care for overall prenatal wellness and to balance the pelvis and sacrum to assist with optimal fetal positioning. But have you heard of pregnant women talking about better sleep and better post-partum recovery because they got adjusted? And what about women having a history of pre-term labor, but after getting adjusted, they’ve been able to go full-term? Oh and be sure to listen to the full episode because there are some additional benefits we go over.
Resources mentioned:
Episode 49: Common Pregnancy Discomforts & Remedies
Episode 19: All About Prenatal Chiropractic Care with Dr. Shannon
Episode 55: Tips For Optimal Fetal Positioning
This podcast was created from a desire to share conversations and interviews about topics from pregnancy and birth to motherhood and the importance of a healthy body and mind through it all. Our goal is to bring you fun, interesting, and helpful conversations that excite you and make you want to learn more. We hope what we share will make an impact and help someone else along their journey. We believe that when you
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Music: "Freedom” by Roa
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Unknown 0:02
Hello, hello, you are listening to the aligned birth Podcast. I'm Dr. Shannon. I'm one of the hosts here at doula Rachel is with me today and she's the other host of the show. And as a pediatric prenatal chiropractor, focus in the office that I work on is that maternal health aspect and as a labor doula, of course Rachel is working with the birth aspect and birth support work team and so we both love supporting growing families and that's where our podcast has come from. And so with today's episode, I was in office recently and I just jotted down like five things that I hear a lot in the office and so some of it like makes a little bit sense like Yes, I've heard this before. I know these things. And then some of them I feel like it's kind of hot and know about that, or one of the random benefits to chiropractic care during pregnancy. And so that's where I kind of want to go with the outline for today's episode. And so in my head, I haven't called like five benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy, but I don't know like, I just, it's interesting, my little outline, so I'm excited to talk about it today. With you, Rachel.
Unknown 1:22
Hey, that's your Shannon super pumped for this episode. As always, I think the thing that you said that I think most people don't recognize or how many kinds of surprise benefits come from chiropractic care, especially during pregnancy, like I think we refer a lot to our birth clients and our postpartum clients. Because we know the benefit we've seen it over and over again, and almost always like they go in for one thing. And they're like, oh, by the way, this improved or this got better. So we love chiropractic care for our clients. I do it for myself. And I do think there are many many benefits but I'm excited to kind of narrow down on five that you are wanting to talk about today.
Unknown 2:02
Yeah, like I it's it's kind of happened like over time where you know, like, I heard, I will deal with the patient at one point. And then I was like, oh, that's kind of cool. And then like, you know, a little bit later I was like, oh, yeah, like maybe and seeing kind of a trend and seeing, I guess it kind of boils down to it. What I look at with care is like when we can remove interference in the body and the body can just do what it naturally wants to do in the healthiest way possible. When we remove those vertebral subluxations that nervous system irritation. It's amazing to see the body function well. And so I think it's those other little things where it's like, oh, maybe I didn't know I wasn't functioning as well as I could be.
Unknown 2:43
Actually I don't think we ever run out. Right. So it's how we're feeling better horse. Crew
Unknown 2:51
actually a problem. Yeah. Yeah. No, so I have this little list jotted down and kind of taught and like I said, some of it and I organized it to where you know, the first ones are definitely things that people may have heard and like possibly like the well known reasons to seek care during pregnancy. And I will say one on here I did have one aspect of like, it doesn't matter if you come in during care of postpartum like there's, there's one of those things. So of course, it's not just care. I couldn't give it it just that but I'm talking about some of the other lesser known cause side effects and benefits of care. So, um, first one on my list, and I've talked we've talked about this one, quite a bit on the show and other episodes is less aches and pains. And so it tends to be what I commonly fear coming into the office with prenatal patients, is that there is some sort of discomfort, you know, and I know you hear it too, with your, you know, doula clients and not to normalize the fact that you you know, there's aches and pains during pregnancy. Not everybody does experience it, but it's also something that can be experienced, but you don't have to live with like debilitating aches and pains during pregnancy and this could be like sciatica, round ligament pain, low back, tailbone migraines. Those are the ones that kind of came to mind to me as far as what I see a lot in the office. And and I know we've talked a bunch in other episodes, even when I mentioned, but we did an episode 49 where we talked about, like a lot of common pregnancy discomforts and remedies, not just the aches and pains we went in, like way in depth with, you know, nausea, vomit, like some of those things as well too. So we do cover the ins and outs and the hows and the whys of those discomforts. And some remedies for it and then even episode 19 Way back in the day. I don't even know what episode we're on right now. But episode 19 like way back in the day, we did a deep dive into like, all about chiropractic care, and really defining Webster tech and what that looks like. So yeah, less aches and pains. I don't know if you have any thoughts on that with your doula clients?
Unknown 5:19
Yeah, absolutely. I think I'm in the same boat with you. If not, I don't want to move in pain and say, Oh, everyone experiences significant pain or discomfort during pregnancy. I witnessed many people who have a very uneventful and painful you know, pregnancy. However, there's usually one thing at least at a minimum that people experience so one person might have significant sciatica, which is that like shooting pain from the the back down the legs, that the low back down the legs, like I had that in both of my pregnancies. And I don't have it outside of pregnancy, but with both of mine, I did. And so like you might have that, but you don't have anything else or you might have the round ligament pain, but maybe you don't suffer from, you know, migraines or something like trying to say that almost all pregnant people experience some things at one point in their pregnancy, and knowing that there are things out there that you can do to reduce the discomfort and increase how you feel and recite function. And I think when we're feeling less aches and pains during pregnancy, we're overall better right we're more likely to sleep better and we're more likely to want to go with our bodies and get some exercise in which is very beneficial for mom and babies, physical and mental health. So trying to you know, know that they are a degree of normal and also know that any you know, things are having can be reduced with chiropractic care prenatally that we're we're big fans over here. Almost always that's in our first response to people when they are experiencing some discomfort along with some other options as well. Hydration, take a bath, gentle stretches, you know, things like that. And we're like, you know, one of our first questions is like, Are you under chiropractic care? And if not, we have referrals.
Unknown 7:23
What kind of support do you need? Yeah. And so you already like jumped ahead to one of my other ones on my list and I will talk about that in a minute. But I love that you touched on like what it can mean for mom when we aren't expecting those aches and pains. So if it's your first pregnancy then maybe yeah, you are able to move better and you feel better and you see better like all of those things, but if you're maybe the second third pregnancy, maybe you can take care of older kid a lot easier. You know you can now and and so it's kind of the big, just big things there. And it looks different for everybody. So you know I have some moms to where they like they don't really like just didn't have a major complaint. But you know, you can't like they feel pregnant. You know, like I just feel heavy. I feel pressure. I've just got some tension over here. So even some of those slight things can be helped with, you know, chiropractic care as well, too. So,
Unknown 8:20
yeah, just re emphasizing something you said a moment ago is Webster certified if you're pregnant. That's really important.
Unknown 8:28
Right. And so I will touch on that just a bit because I do see quite a mob of white females that come in that are looking specifically for Webster technique and that maybe they've been adjusted before but not getting like the full blown Webster technique. So that's really that specific pelvis and sacral analysis and adjustment to restore normal biomechanics and impact the nervous system function there because nerves are coming out from the pelvis, sacrum of x, those are all supplying uterus, you know, reproductive organs, everything bowel, bladder, legs, and that sort of thing. So in thinking of that aspect, there's the specifics of care when we look at a bone and muscle on the backside of the patient and then the muscle relaxant on the front side. So again, listen to all of our episodes 49 Episode 19 where we talk about that in defining it a little bit more in depth as well. Okay, let's see. Second one on my list is better fetal position and this can really set like that labor aspect of impacting labor because fetal malposition can be can be a lot of different things, right. And so not just a breech baby, not just a head up, baby and there's even different levels. And degrees out of reach. Well, it can just be maybe facing like wrong side of the pelvis, maybe baby is sunny side up and facing forward and backward, like lots of little things there. But when we look at fetal malposition and we're looking at uterus, uterus is connected to the pelvis and sacrum, through ligaments, and so if we have twisted torsion in the pelvis and the sacrum, then we can then have twisted fortunate pull in the uterus and if we're pulling on that, then it's impacting that shape of the uterus, which then impacts the fetus. Being able to move easier and get into a better position. And so that's really the breakdown of how chiropractic care for mom can really impact that fetal aspect is not that we're doing anything that requires you know, doing anything extra absolutely does. So I do I'd like to preface that because sometimes it can be like, Oh, I didn't interpret that I wanted to go because I wanted my my baby flipped or breech baby flipped and those types of things and it's all well and good, but I really like to drive home. The aspect of like, it's really what's working on like the body carrying the penis.
Unknown 11:10
It's more about balancing the body so that the baby has the room and space to settle in to the quote unquote, optimal position, which is that left side of the body with the head down and facing kind of looking back at your hip. And so that is what's considered optimal because that is the way that when baby interest the pelvis, like Labor's more likely to start and the baby can make its way through the pelvis easier. Now, that's not to say babies in other positions. Don't come out. Babies and other three phases come out. Posterior babies come out and that's the sunny side up where their head is back on their head is facing the front of the body. And babies who are on the right side of the body and head down, come out, all come out, or can come out some pelvis it's just for see babies in different positions, but we know that statistically speaking, the optimal position is for baby to be on the left side with the head down and then looking back at the hip. And that's what is referred to as lo a so if you hear that as the left side of the body, left side of mom's body, let me head down. So awesome. Put your head and then which way it's looking so anterior posterior. And so that is important to understand, like optimal fetal position, and I do encourage listening to Episode 31, which you said, because that really does sort of break it down a little bit more things you can do, but understanding that it's not a one and done. Right. Yeah, I think a lot of people learn that their babies in a mouth position are not optimal position. And then they hear through groups or word of mouth that a big chiropractic care is one way that you can help get baby into the right position. But it takes like, I think it takes proactive care as best right. So seeking chiropractic care as soon as you can so you find out you're pregnant so that you can work on balancing the pelvis and the uterus and this sacral ligaments and all that before baby gets bigger. As babies born they have the room to settle into that right position. Okay, so say that didn't happen like me. My first pregnancy I didn't start seeing chiropractor and so I was 38 weeks pregnant. And so, you know, there's a lot of work to be done. If you start later in the game and you if that's the case, then you gotta be ready to go like two or three times a week until baby's born. If you really want to make a difference. I mean, the body is resilient. But we have to sometimes you know, retrain muscles to learn how to support in a different way. It's not just like one adjustment, and I'm not to say that you haven't experienced one adjustment and seen significant improvement. I think that happens, but I think it's better served when you are willing to enable a force it's all about ability and access to but to go multiple times.
Unknown 14:10
I want to like box everything up that you just said because that's like, that's it and I tell people I'm like, as much as I would love like, let's do this one adjustment and like, and and we're good as much as I would love that. Like that is not always the case. And so yes, you know, sometimes, yes, and sometimes I've had mom's way late in the game and they don't think baby's gonna flip the baby's able to flip like there's just so many different things. And there's also sometimes reasons why baby is in the position.
Unknown 14:38
Unknown 14:39
There's so much to it, but
Unknown 14:42
stay in the position even with all the things that doesn't mean it's not for Hell, it doesn't mean doesn't help, can still help but it may not change everything and that's okay.
Unknown 14:52
And I've even had moms who is a breech, baby, this is second breech, baby. They've had out of three kiddos and we've got a scheduled C section, but we're in pain so we still want to come in. But we're there's only so much we can do. You know, like we've got other things lined up but it's still understanding. Well, we can still work on balancing the pelvis and sacrum and seeing what we can get done. No matter you know, that birth or whatnot. But yes, we do go into a lot of that. The tips are optimal fetal positioning and episode 51. But again, that is those are the two I think people might most be most familiar with as far as seeking you know, the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy. So yeah, so some of the other ones. This is a fun one. And like I said, we touched on it just a little bit ago but better sleep. And this is sleep is there's lots of there can be lots of issues with sleep just like there can be lots of reasons why babies and you know, not optimal position. There's lots of reasons for sciatica there's lots of reasons for issues with sleep being falling asleep, staying asleep, breathing respiration during sleep, you know, calming the mind down like all of these things. There's this like beautiful delicate balance, but the Biden's to go through to have restorative sleep where we're actually having the body and going through all of our sleep cycles. And so, again, lots of different reasons why but one of the big things I even have had moms come in with the kiddos and they're like, I'm really glad this just a day because I really just need to sleep. And so like I know you want like no sleep adjustment, right? But it's never I've never doing sleep adjustment. It's like I'm adjusting body and then this is one beautiful thing that happens and so one aspect we talked about with if we've got less aches and pains, then we tend to be able to sleep better. So if you you know you were having very debilitating like sciatica and those type of pain points and we're able to alleviate that then it's like oh my gosh, I can sleep so much better. So I do hear that quite a bit. And some aspects though. It's this was fun. I had a mom who had never been adjusted before. This was her fourth pregnancy and she came in and after her first adjustment the next day that she came in, she talked about that she has a Sleep Number bed. So like it literally tells you how you slept. And her husband and her were like, What was up with your sleep that other day? You know, like, why was it so good and the only thing that she had changed was she got adjusted and like it was documented on on the bed. I thought that was really cool. I know I'm like I need to write that up. And everybody was asleep number but it is something that's well known in some of the chiropractic research especially with a lot of the case studies. It's it's one of those things of like, oh, you know, kids coming in with this or pregnant patients coming in with it and then it ends up. This has alleviated as well as better sleep and improved quality of life. And so when we can impact the nervous system, and that Brain Body Body brain connection, we can help regulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic tone of the nervous system. down regulate the fight or flight up regulate that rest and digest. That can be how we can really impact sleep with the adjustments.
Unknown 18:35
Sleep is everything. That's my personal opinion may think there's some evidence out there too, but sleep is everything and I think pregnancy is sort of the beginning of disrupted sleep cuz you're beginning parenthood and it really wears on you just like that slow grind of like, the night after night or like a few nights in a row of not sleeping good. And then any one good night and you know, and that's just the beginning and it is a degree of normal but I don't think it has to be I think I do think sometimes people are just more prone to it because of the hormones they're experiencing. The, the everything that's happening during the growth of a child during pregnancy just can disrupt
Unknown 19:20
that I mean to like it's so it's there's layers to it, you know,
Unknown 19:24
there's like, if you can take some steps and I can testify chiropractic care night after an agenda. I lately I've been wanting to go every day because I have been struggling with sleep in person. I'm not pregnant or anything, but like, I get so much better sleep after an adjustment. You know like, I know it works. So you know, definitely keep that in mind. And I think sometimes we're just like it'll get better. This is just part of pregnancy. I think we get in a cycle of like, convincing ourselves this just is what it is. So if you can identify the areas of like what do I really need to feel my best? chiropractic care can almost always address all of them because it's usually sleep and reduce aches and pains and increased functionality. So it's like, you know, it's definitely one piece of the puzzle that can really make a big difference. I'm here for it.
Unknown 20:23
I know we do. Me too. And I love it when when families are able to experience that as well. Even if they didn't that's not why they come in you know. So these are these are my one main my lesser known ones on the list. Okay, so my next one, number four on my list would be better postpartum recovery. And I know I experienced this however my my two births are like so very different. That of course recovery is going to be different, but this again, is I have a little bit of a two fold here. Like it's better postpartum recovery I've seen with my moms who have been under care and then potentially even have a pregnancy to compare it to where they weren't under care, you know, and kind of saying, holy moly, like I know that second or that third birth is different but like this recovery is significantly better. And one of those big factors being the fact that maybe they were under care while they were pregnant. And so again, it's really looking at not only bouncing the pelvis in the sacrum, but what we talked about with the sleep if we can help regulate the nervous system, with that sympathetic parasympathetic tone, then it can also promote healing, right? That's when our body heals is during rest and during sleep. And so all of those little things together add up to that are postpartum recovery. And I had mom recently this was you know, a repeat C section and scheduled everything fine. Like this is just the route we wanted to go and she in writing back like, checking in on you know, it's like okay, I haven't heard from you Where's Baby you know? And she said, Oh, my gosh, my recovery is significantly better. And she goes and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that like, things are lined up now. And so I thought that was really cool as far as like, you know, I can't I've heard this you know, I keep hearing from moms like wow, this recovery was so different. So that's one aspect of like having the moms like under care during pregnancy. But I also don't want to not talk about the fact that like I do deal with just moms coming in postpartum. So not having been adjusted but having a hard time with postpartum recovery which that presents different aches and pains as well to that mommy posture. We've talked about that one of the episodes with nursing and that type of thing, and I remember what episode it was, I can write that down on my list, but looking at it, we've only those are things that you can't we can work with, even if you weren't adjusted during pregnancy, like we can still come in and make an impact with that postpartum recovery as well.
Unknown 23:11
Yes. How soon do you like to see Mama's postpartum?
Unknown 23:16
I like to say as soon as possible as soon as they're ready. I know. There's a lot of wonderful cranial chiropractors out there that do home visits as well, you know, and go in and check on mom. So mom doesn't have to leave, you know, family can stay there. You know, that's something, it's on my heart, but it's also that I struggle with that like the scheduling of those. Yeah, that's hard. Yeah. So and it's hard with with that, so there are but I don't I do want to mention the fact that there are chiropractors that will do that or like reach out and ask, you know, if it's a lot to get out of the house, but yeah, like as soon as possible. Obviously with dissection, a lot of times they're waiting a little bit, you know, and there's different levels sometimes. Here's the thing, though, I don't You don't have to necessarily be cleared by your OB to go in to even have a pelvic floor checkup, or postpartum here and then you don't have to be cleared to come in and see the chiropractor as well like it's not you don't I think that's a big, that's a big myth that I feel
Unknown 24:21
that they end up waiting to talk or
Unknown 24:23
say, Wait, and I'm like, oh, I should have been doing some work. You know, you'll see
Unknown 24:27
sometimes if they're under care, they'll see you or they're called before therapist before they knew their provider for that six week follow up. So big versus serious. They're going in two weeks, and six weeks, but still and still.
Unknown 24:39
Yeah, yeah. When I see him the next day, you know, it's that comfort level and that and what how they're feeling but again, too, I like that. As soon as possible just because there was a very big life changing event. Doesn't have to be traumatic, but it was a very stressful and stressful event. And I would love to make sure that the nervous system is like processing it. Well.
Unknown 25:07
Yeah, we really encourage our mamas to see the chiropractor but we also in the same brands, encourage them staying at home for that first week.
Unknown 25:15
I know I'm like, I want you to stay home, and then come see me. I know a lot of Yeah, I'm like the only one they're like, Oh, you're our first outing, and we're not going anywhere else for two. Yeah.
Unknown 25:23
And that's great. As long as I'm not letting the Farsi or doing a lot of stairs. And that that's the only thing they're doing then yes, but otherwise, there really needs to be so much rest, especially through preparing. I mean, obviously Starion goes without saying like, you really got to rest. But we are also like, you know, encouraging as soon as they're ready, or after that first week, and
Unknown 25:46
I do so I do nervous system scans in the office and I do do those at my post partum and so with those I can assess okay, how is nervous system functioning, especially part of the autonomic part of the nervous system, and looking at like blood vessel gland organ function, and I can even see like stress aspects of things. So sometimes I'll have moms where we're feeling good and I look at this I'm like, can I still think and it might even be for six weeks you know, and and we do another have done their little check in and it's like, I still think we need some rest. You know, it's still how I might might be feeling good, but like the body is still saying like, wow, that was a lot. So I still want you know, a little bit more risk there. So
Unknown 26:30
yeah, we so we I try and paint that picture about postpartum recovery to with like, whether you had a belly birth or vaginal birth, like everyone has a placenta and where that placenta was attached to your uterus leaves like a plate size opening, and that takes time to heal and your uterus is still out of your pelvis. And when your uterus is still out of your pelvis and there's no baby in it. It's really susceptible to twist and torsion. And so we really want that uterus thing firm clamping down and getting smaller and back into your pelvis. And so that's why we're taking it easy and then your body's sending a lot of energy to heal the wound that the placenta left as well. So that's for everybody. I mean, if you had any tearing or in a surgery had a surgical birth, and that's on top of like the body is needing energy and nutrition, and sleep and all the things to help heal. So that's just kind of a little bit besides our about postpartum recovery and just a reminder and why it's going there. And why it's important to be assessed and get those adjustments and take care of yourself and do all these things as best you can do the best you can but you got where you're at, as always
Unknown 27:46
important to mention that the rest is so important.
Unknown 27:49
So important, and rest is productive. I mean, oh yeah. I'm wired in the way that I have a hard time. Resting and rest doesn't have to mean sleep. Wrestling, just really taking it easy. I have a hard time making myself rest. I've gotten better with it, especially after having two kids, but rest is productive.
Unknown 28:11
I've gotten better with it too. But I knew I could do good with it. I'm like I want to do anything.
Unknown 28:22
That's called that a when you're feeling like I'm good at rest today. Yeah. That's what I want. My clients our clients was found to be saying like I'm crushing, crushing the rest the other day.
Unknown 28:35
I know we're returning back from America has nothing to do with like pregnancy but we came back from like vacation. And I had something like big to do the day after vacation. I was speaking at a retreat and so like we got back, I came home I like five I was gonna say and then I had to like go drive that go there. And then I came home late and then the next day
Unknown 28:56
I was like, I can't do anything. Yeah, you were fried. I was fried
Unknown 29:00
but so I totally like I didn't do anything. And then however I got back and I was like oh my gosh, I'm so behind.
Unknown 29:07
I know then you say that. But that's part of it. You always catch up, right? This is real life.
Unknown 29:13
It's this the ebb and the flow balance, right? It's not always 5050
Unknown 29:17
And I think if you're an achiever, if you're an achiever or like a like I have a hard time classify yourself as a hard, like have a hard time napping or resting. Put rest on a to do list. Make a list and say this for 30 minutes, every few hours, whatever, like whatever it is that you meet needs to help you meet your rest goal. Let's check it off. Makes you feel like you've done something Yeah.
Unknown 29:42
I don't do that on my calendar. Yeah, I did yesterday because I was like after work. I was like, I'm not doing anything. I was like, I'm not. I'm not looking really
Unknown 29:49
to build it. I gotta make it a priority so that it helps reduce, you know, symptoms long term and help speed up a recovery even though it's like people like oh, this is dragging on. It's like actually no, if you rest more, take care of yourself more. It's going to actually expedite recovery and help better in the long run. So you're not having residual symptoms a year and I did want to share a couple of postpartum chiropractic care examples so right after my second birth, with Marshall, which I had him at home, I was having like severe hip pain like my right hip was just aching almost to the point of where I was like, Is it my kidney like I was it was like really right there and it was deep and kind of dealt with it for a little while and I was reaching out to my midwife and explaining it and of course, like she was asking questions to sort of rule out any other like, major drawbacks things? Yeah, yeah. And she was like, I think you need to go see your chiropractor as soon as you can. You know, your hips and your pelvis and your your your body had been through a lot and they were trying to settle back in and things are trying to find their way. And so I took her advice, and I had been under care just pretty soon after I had given birth. So I made my way to the chiropractor, and he so like, that was an example of like I just needed that one post birth adjustment and then I kept going, but I got it really in my hip. That was obviously out. And so that was awesome. And then much much later after I was probably a year in and still breastfeeding and having like a lot of shoulder like bicep net pain and discomfort. And it's just funny how you don't put it all together. But it was all from the ways I was holding my body while breastfeeding. And I was actually just talking about this with Hannah is that I slept on my right side I felt like for that entire first year because that baby was on the side of the bed and yeah, and then like so like I wanted to watch the bed and I really rarely ever turned over like to the other side and then I was sideline feeding on that side. And I was just just kind of really wrecked my that whole site and I hadn't put it all together but then you know went to see the chiropractor and we made a plan and she unwound a lot of the the issues I had through some therapy and some chiropractic care and I felt a lot better but it was after it kind of built up over the course of a year. You know, just not not who knows me that it is who knows me that it is yeah, some of those repetitive tasks I know and I know for me it helped a bunch with my like, postpartum running because I wasn't adjusted with my first pregnancy and so I had like really bad hip pain while I was running for a long time. And then after my second
Unknown 3:03
after my second eye kind of the same thing where I was like, Oh, I don't I guess I don't have to have this hip pain like after going in and getting adjusted and kind of maintaining as best as I could you know lifestyle habits and things are it's it's hard to unwind that sometimes on that but these are some of the things with the posture aspect of motherhood and posture is just having a baby is tough and so always something I like to highlight too. So like I said, I know we have an episode on that which is by far like one of my favorites just because I think it's I just don't think people like realize it as much are kind of like how you said like kind of put two and two together to be like, like thought about, you know, how important that posture can be so, so yes, better postpartum recovery, kind of like, all around all around, better recovery with that. Okay, so my last one here, and then I did add one little I have one other one, but it's not. This one's kind of fun because it may not. My outline says longer pregnancy and I feel like people would be like, Excuse me,
Unknown 4:15
I would like to not be pregnant longer than I am. So yeah, what do you mean by longer pregnancy but
Unknown 4:22
this has come up quite a bit and it was kind of fascinating to me. In that for. So this is my multiparous mom so they've had multiple children. And for whatever reason, maybe those first two and these are all at least three or more births it seems but the first two babies born were early, and I can mean like significantly, like premature early, you know, probably like 32 weeks and that could be spontaneous labor. You know, lots of different reasons as to why we did have preterm labor and then I've had like cervical competent cervix, which I frickin I've said this before, it's just as soon as where I've ever raised haven't heard, service is not in covenant, but but that aspect of, you know, issues there and those kinds of preterm labor in the early labor with having moms who maybe hadn't been under care with those earlier pregnancies, but then coming under care and these last, those last, the last babies they want to have, and they're actually having longer pregnancies like for them to be like, Oh, this is the longest I've been pregnant. That it was really freaking cool to me, because there's so much development that goes on and happens. I don't know, just being pregnant is like this fascinating thing anyways, and having the baby grow is just utterly amazing. And so when you think about all the stuff that goes on, it's pretty short amount of time for entire system to be formed. Yeah. And so And yes, there's all these different you know, the aspect of the labor cues as far as the hormones that the abuse produces to say, Hey, I'm, you know, ready to function in the outside world. But when we can have baby stay in the womb, longer, like instead of having a baby at 35 weeks, if you can have it at 39 and 40 weeks, that is utterly life changing for that child. Absolutely. I mean, I'm looking at developmental milestones. I'm looking at all the things when you think about but not that there's, you know, not that there's anything wrong with preterm babies not there's amazing advances in science, we can help these children but if we can keep that baby in a little bit longer and help it grow just a little bit more, so that it can function just a little bit better outside on its own. Right at the beginning. I think that's pretty cool.
Unknown 6:56
Absolutely, yeah. When you have when you're doing copper, I'm sure it's supporting all of your systems. It's helping support all the bodily functions, not just one thing. And so when we're supporting the body, only, then you're gonna get healthier pregnancy. And that means a longer pregnancy, longer meaning not longer, not longer. 32 weeks, yeah, longer than the one before. They're saying, Oh, I went early last time, and I went to 38 or 39 weeks, so they went longer than their first and that doesn't mean like longer than what is safe. It means caring when the baby and Barney are ready, which is exactly what you want. And that's a benefit of chiropractic care.
Unknown 7:36
And that's awesome. I should have heard you write that last one. So saying, Oh, you're just pregnant longer like no now what Rachel just said is what I meant. Yeah, we're not going like 43 weeks. Is that like a record here? No,
Unknown 7:47
no, but in a healthy way, but in that healthy
Unknown 7:49
way. I just, I thought that that was really, really cool. And kind of looking over the moms I've dealt with and I'm like, Hey, this is look at that trend. I know sorry. Mom's gonna make you pregnant
Unknown 8:01
longer. You could also say after that, you could say chiropractic care helps you carry your baby longer in a good way and also shortens labor. Oh, yeah. Right. Oh, yeah. Also helps shorten labor make labor more efficient. Whoa, yes, I want that. I'm happy to carry my baby to term or longer if I can have a shorter labor. Come on. You know
Unknown 8:25
what, and I didn't I don't even know why I didn't have that on my list too, because I've also dealt with the less need for medical interventions or even like the use of pain relieving medications as well too. So that aspect of care, because if we're lined up, then maybe and we've got that shorter labor, then we don't necessarily need a lot of those interventions or a lot of those payments. So because sometimes to that longer drawn out labor, it's like fetal mouse position. I definitely felt that with my first labor so
Unknown 9:01
I'm usually is labor for long when there are some other things that kind of have to be sorted out or babe writes down, okay, as I'm adding that to my list, so that's the so here's the thing you can, you can encapsulate the benefits or condense the benefits of chiropractic care. Obviously there are many, but I think the ones you selected are what you see a lot and what I see a lot and yeah, of course, I think we could probably keep going and people could probably raise their hand if they were here in person and say, this way I have this benefit. I had this benefit and I do think there is a lot a lot that you can probably keep going but I think there's a really great one.
Unknown 9:36
Yeah, I know. So that was fun to kind of jot
Unknown 9:40
some of these down and just kind of using just the data from the office and just some of the some of the feedback that we get and the fun things that I get to hear. So yeah. I don't think I have anything else to add to my list, although it got a little bit longer.
Unknown 9:58
Well, this has been a fun conversation and listeners if you liked what you heard, please please please take a brief moment and leave us a review or just tap a five star rating that rating and review really helps boost our podcast to where more people can see it and listen to it. And the reviews and ratings you have been doing and leading are definitely making a difference. We're seeing the difference. So we really appreciate that and we hope you continue to do that. And if nothing else, just tune in next week for a brand new episode and we look forward to sharing that with you have a beautiful day.
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Transcribed by https://otter.ai