Aligned Birth
Aligned Birth
Ep 45. Top Reasons to Seek Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
Dr. Shannon and Doula Rachael discuss the top 6 reasons people seek or may want to seek out chiropractic care during pregnancy. We share the most common reasons, which is usually pain and discomfort and then we discuss the unexpected benefits or outcomes that may come from chiropractic care during pregnancy. We discuss sciatica, round ligament pain, hip pain, pubic symphysis, low back pain, and known breech presentation or malpositioning of the baby. Lastly, we cover a couple common misconceptions about chiropractic care during pregnancy plus we share many helpful resources you may want to check out to help further your knowledge surrounding pregnancy, childbirth and, and postpartum.
The Webster Technique: Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy (Dr. Shannon’s blog)
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Editing: Godfrey Sound
Music: "Freedom” by Roa
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Hello, you are listening to the aligned birth podcast. And Dr. Shannon here today with doula Rachel and we are going to have a fabulous discussion about the Top Reasons to seek chiropractic care during pregnancy. We were literally just chatting two seconds ago. And our outline of the show and we originally said, Okay, what are the top five reasons when people come in for care and couldn't narrow it down? There's so many reasons people come here. There's lots of top reasons people are coming in from fear during pregnancy. So we're going to talk about we are going to highlight some of those main ones though, so this show is gonna be really good. I know we've talked about heartbreak here we talk about what's your technique and a lot of these other episodes, but you need to hear to hear it in a different format. You need to hear it in a different conversation. So that's what we're going to do today, and really highlighting what are those top reasons? What are the symptoms that pregnant people are feeling right, because the symptoms are, it's the body's trying to tell you something's going on. So you're coming in with this pain and coming in with this symptom? What is it really look like when we're diagnosing some of those subluxations? And then what are those outcomes? So what are the things that I noticed and you know, what's really fun is the things that I notice from patients in the office. What is not necessarily what they came in for, so their outcome, it's kind of fun we'll go through that in a minute and then also defining what is Webster technique? And what does it look like if a pregnant person is adjusted? And then hopefully going through and talking about some of those misconceptions that we hear of maybe even chiropractic care in general, but also like chiropractic care, during pregnancy. And we have I have lots and lots of resources for today's discussion. So yeah, this will be fine.
Oh, yes, I'm looking forward to this conversation. With you, Dr. Shannon, I think that's interesting because we both have, like clients and patients that we see who are experiencing some of these things we're going to talk about and it's like how we're how they're presenting what they're saying. What kind of care helps them the worst thing and kind of differently, right we have different roles. You're a carpenter. I'm the doula but we still sort of are continuously like hearing about these things with our clients. So I'm excited to kind of drill down on the different things and talk about that and learn from you today. I feel like every time we talk about this, I learned from you and it helps me share more with my clients. So I'm super excited for that reason. But I think I want to begin with the definition of Webster technique. And what is it because I mean, I know but I want everyone to listen know why it's important that you want a Webster certified chiropractor.
Yay. I love definitions like this, but you know what, so I'm actually gonna change it up on you here because I know we said we wanted to start with that definition. But I want to start with you know, what is what's your technique and I want to give like a little tidbit because I geek out on well how did you know what is Webster why the word Webster who is Webster right just
give us a history lesson
I am you guys didn't know it. That's really exciting because the evolution of it but it's really really short and sweet. So here is what what is the Webster technique? Okay. And it is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral sacral subluxations SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated. I know right? It was like words, words, words, words.
But yeah, can you give that to me and like Yes. The other way. dama down for me, Shannon. Yeah, so
you have a pelvis and you have a sacrum. And, um, we've talked about before, too, so you've got the pelvis and sacrum. You have the uterus that is then held in place by all kinds of ligaments, muscles, tendons, that type of thing and so broad ligament is this beautiful, wonderful ligament that holds the uterus in place and you've got round ligament keeps it from going, you know, too far backwards. Your uterus sacral ligament keeps, you know, keeps it in that nice little area. And as the word say utero sacral Well, it's the the that ligament is the uterus attached to the sacrum. So now you've got round ligament where it's attaching from the uterus into that pubic bone. So now that we have this visual of like I'm holding my hands like and like to it's like a spear you know, so you've got the two sides of the pelvis, and you've got those ligaments there. And so if you move, you know, the right hand up and the left hand down, you've got this twist and torsion in the pelvis and the sacrum, so that's when you have those bony misalignments those subluxations that nervous system irritation there that impact in the brain, body body brain connection. And when you have that you can also have twisting torsion in those ligaments that are then pulling on the uterus. And so we're looking at those adjustments made to the pelvis and to the sacrum. Diversified is just a type of chiropractic adjustment percent between a different type of adjustment techniques. And that goal is to restore that neuro biomechanical function of the pelvis superstore that alignment, restore that nervous system function and also will help to aid the decreasing of that tension. In those ligaments as well.
Boom, that helps. It helps I know, right? Yes,
it helps that is like to use
my hands. And I do it. And I'm like, I don't even know what to do. Like this is like a sphere. I'm holding a ball. That's what I should have said.
The video was on. I wish I could have like filmed you with all your hand motions.
I'm sitting in my closet with my house slippers and my gym clothes on you know, what can we do? I need this. I just showed my hands that I should do that. I'll do a little video.
But that so that's kind of it in that nutshell. Um sacral subluxations may contribute to difficult labor for the mother which is dystocia caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction and baby mouse position. So correction of sacral subluxations may have a positive effect on all of those causes of dystocia
dysfunction means to slow or stop.
It's that difficult labor. Exactly. And so these are all all of this is what's talked about in the Webster certification class. And it is it really is named after Dr. lair Webster so he's the founder of the International chiropractic Pediatric Association. And it's progressive stance so Dr. lair Webster is no longer with us. But he began teaching chiropractors this technique because he noticed it in his own family, I think with his own wife and then seeing that in his office and then it when Dr. Jeannie ohm developed the course and really kind of catapulted ICP, a little bit more creative that pathways magazine. It then became this course that chiropractors could learn and take and become proficient in and even then Dr. Jeannie arm has passed and then we have Dr. Pamela stone McCoy who is teaching it now and kind of furthering those young chiropractors in learning and even seasoned chiropractors that go back and learning the Webster technique. I'm super excited because I think I'm going to take it again this August because it's been a bit that take it and I haven't been able to take it with Dr. Pam. I'm so excited. Because she's like my she's my mentor. She's the reason I found out about chiropractic care. So that's a whole fun thing.
She's Yeah, I saw her during both of my pregnancy so our big shout out to Dr. Pam and I love y'all to connection as well. And I just want to say if you are expecting or hope to be inspecting one day and you listen to that definition and that history of understanding the Webster and why it's important and how it's very specialized and focused on the uterus and the baby and your pelvis and how your body grows into shapes and differently during pregnancy. Like all of that that you just said versus someone I'm sure a great chiropractor, but who doesn't have that, like who would you choose? You want the Webster certified? You want someone with all that extra specialized knowledge that's specific to pregnancy and childbirth. So just the PSA there. I love your PSA.
I agree with your PSA.
So that's why I wanted to give that tiny little background in it because, you know, we're Metro Atlanta located and our Webster certified and like training chiropractor is based here in metro Atlanta. So it's kind of fun to see that evolution of it and watch it so I took my What's your certification from Dr. geniale. And so I don't I just think it's a beautiful thing and I kind of geek out on that but that is the definition of Webster technique. And I want to go into a little bit of why people are coming into the office so I have the the reasons that people are coming in during pregnancy and then you probably also have a few where you're hearing some things that they're saying and where you're like, oh, this could you know, chiropractic could help too. So maybe we can even like collaborate a little bit on that as well. Sure. Um, but you know, the big ones. pain pain is what brings a lot of people into the office. I will say this though, so I'm going to give a little bit I do a Cairo Cairo one on one I learned this from Dr. Pam. And I do a Cairo one on one in the office whether people have been in before or not because every chiropractor is so different and you go to an office and you're just sometimes they explain it sometimes they don't you know, it's just kind of I like to give people an overview and I actually use my bottle spine and show them the thing so I geek out on hopes that they will geek out as well too. But pain is usually what brings people in. But did you know that less than 10% of the nervous system is devoted to the sensation of pain. So you can have these issues that eventually lead to pain you can have those issues start building up throughout life. That was why we say those first subluxations can occur in utero now we're saying that realization but also that birthing process. Can be that first subluxation that first nervous system mutation doesn't have to be a traumatic birth for there to be stress and strain and subluxations as well too. So that you know pain is what brings people in but knowing that it's like you are the summation of your life, all these cumulative things that have happened, all of the sports injuries and the slips in the falls and the major car accidents, there's major things but those repetitive tasks, those things that you're doing and day in and day out. This is why I have a very detailed health history. Because it's all kind of it is all related there. It's all part of that. So yes, pain is bringing these people in so you've got sciatica, let's say that's one of those big ones I hear. That's typically that low back pain and it's usually shooting down the leg. all the way into the foot. You know, pain is bringing you in, but I also try to touch on that. How did we get to that point? So I guess I went a little bit ahead of myself, but yes, sciatica. That's a big one that I see in the office. And that's not even just with pregnant people. Right?
That's that's a lot of people.
But I will say for me I had severe sciatica only during pregnancy. They were had it outside of pregnancy before or after, and it was my first showed up towards the end and then with my second it showed up way earlier and well Oh, it is. Yeah, it would send me to my knees. I would just and I can't walk. It was
bad. The same people can't walk with it. Like I can tell. I don't even need to do an exam. I'll see a mom and I'll watch her come in the office. And I'm like, oh man we got some left sided sciatica over here. Obviously, we still do the exam, but it's just it is very, very evident when it's debilitating. Luckily I never I never experienced it but what you said to hits home because a lot of times when I'm working with second time moms, there'll be I noticed all of my like, aches and pains came in like hot and heavy. Like as soon as I found out pregnant, my body was like, whoa, whoa,
here we go. Like everything showed up a little
bit earlier. It can show up a little bit earlier. So that's definitely one of those. One of those top reasons that I see people.
Now to explain what sciatica isn't that I mean, when I describe it, or how I understand it is it's like the uterus because the uterus is growing. It's getting bigger with your baby and it's putting pressure on nerves. It's kind of like and that's why it can be like a shooting pain that's not like a constant pain and it's based on when you move a certain way but it's where like the uterus is compressing a nerve. Is that correct? Or is it something else kind
of so I know we talked about you've got that okay, so get your hands in your sphere again and you've got that and your thumbs are kind of towards you and that is your sacrum like that like SI joint and then your fingers up front or like your, your pubic bone. When you have you know that twist and torsion so one hand moving up, other hand moving down, you're kind of like rotating them. They're the nerves that are giving rise to the sciatic nerve are coming from the lumbar spine and from like you've got to end the sacral plexus you've got this like bundle of nerves right there that gives rise you've got a combination there. They come together and kind of give rise that sciatic nerve around this piriformis muscle. Hence why piriformis muscle work is done part of Webster technique. That's this muscle in the butt. And then it comes down and it goes all the way down the back of the leg. So it's literally the route of that nerve is where the pain is. Now you can tell where if it's a lumbar issue or a sacral issue based on where the pain is in the foot because this is just dermatomes this is just stuff that we've learned in school and neurology. So it's not necessarily it can be uterus putting pressure, I suppose. But it's more of that pelvis and sacral alignment. So yes, you can. When you've got that twist and torsion it's going to impact the twist and turns of the uterus but it also impacts those nerves that are exiting those spinal canals there. So if that makes sense. Yeah, yeah. That's the cause of sciatica in like normal people to non people. But pregnancy and you also have you just have a lot more fluid in the body and pregnancy as well too. And I feel like some of that can really impact like carpal tunnel and some of that like fluid within the body and just limiting space, very limited space and so it can aggravate nerves as well. Um, but yeah, sciatica is a big one, that round ligament pain is another one that's you know, and we talked about where that ligament is. It's at the front, kind of like that, like that lower part of the belly, you know, and it's inserting in on that pubic bone kind of just lateral just outside the belly button and kind of below it as well. So and and that too can that can really come from that's going to be more of the issues of do we have twisted twist and torsion in the uterus. Right? And so because if we do there, it's pulling on one side versus the other as well. So that's why we do round ligament work in Webster technique too, because there's a specific bone, muscle and ligament that we work on so I guess I could probably should jump into that now like, or because not thinking about so we work on the bone. That's that sacral alignment on the posterior side of the patient, and then there's that piriformis muscle and then there's a sacred tuberous ligament as well that is worked on. So that's kind of like that sits bone like way, way up underneath here, but it also can carry some of that tension too. And then on the front side of the patient as mom flips over and lays on her back, we're working on that round ligament we're working on the pubic bone because sometimes that's one coming up that that pubic bone pain or that lightning crotch as some people term it. I feel like that's a very accurate term. I remember having that and then yeah, and then that so as muscle so so as muscles know the only muscles that connect the low back and it inserts in on the hips. So it literally is like how your hips are attached to your body through the musculature. And that's so as muscle. It can take a beating because of where it lies and where the uterus is. And its relation to the sacrum as well. So that is the some of the aspects of the adjusting part of so we define what our technique is and then those are the muscles and things that we're working on. Bone muscle ligament with Mom I mentioned that pubic symphysis so that's that lightning crotch. That's that pain. I mean, right at that pubic bone. It is pretty it's usually pretty sharp.
And the reason that is is because the we have the hormone relaxing, flowing through our bodies during pregnancy, which helps to lengthen and smooth out our muscles and our ligaments. And it doesn't apply just to one part of the body. It applies to the whole body. And so there's a tiny bit of ligament that is between that front side of the pelvis, like I wish I had my pelvis here to show you and it's when there's a lot of there's a lot or like excessive movement and excessive space there due to that relaxing hormone. And so when we're moving in certain ways, it usually was specific movements that cause the lightening crotch. I always had it when I was like lifting myself out of bed or getting up out of a chair if I was going a certain way. And it just like are Yeah, and that's usually because you're like kind of twisting and standing up at the same time. I always tell people when they're getting out of a car and they're pregnant, to like turn their whole body. Same thing of getting out of the bed, like yes it up. Turn your whole body not like don't turn the top part of your body and then stick a leg out and stand up. It's like whole body knees, everything face in the same way both feet on the ground and stand up and it can help reduce lightening things like lightning cracks, you know,
because you're you're taking away that how that pain is coming about you know, like those those reasons of why oh, this is when the pain comes. Okay, well let's see if I do the same thing. Trying to keep those knees together. It's also tough though with moms of littles because I'm like, No, let's limit crisscross applesauce. Because that also it's any of that spreading of the legs with the pelvis there and then trying to like push, you know, I like push with the legs. So yes, all those things, but there are you know, there are adjustments that can be made at the pubic bone as well too. So that's another part of it. Yeah, impact.
Yeah, and I think some of these these are these are common symptoms that I hear about regularly that I obviously know you hear about. And see. And, and I think understanding when we're having discomfort and pains about what's, where's that pain coming from? And what's the cause? And can I do anything about that? Cause like, can I improve that or can I cope with it? And I think seeing a Webster certified chiropractor can help inform all of that. Instead of just being like, perpetually having low back pain and saying, Oh, well, I'm pregnant. This is just how it is. And I don't ever like to write anything off. It's like oh, that's just pregnancy. You know, I definitely will say that's common, and we hear about that a lot. However, there are things you can do to help get some relief and to learn more like everything you just said about understanding the connection of everything in the in the hips and pelvis and back in the whole body, especially in relation to pregnancy, I think is really important. And it's another layer of how people can learn about their body and about what's happening on the inside of our body as we're as we're growing a baby and preparing for birth. And I just think that helps us be more connected to the whole process. And more in tune with our bodies so that we can again have that that downline positive effect.
Yes, that more in tune with our bodies because your symptoms are there. They're telling you something, right? So it's just being able to kind of listen to that. And instead of doing something to just kind of mask that, like hey, what does this symptom trying to tell me? And where's that root cause coming from and it's, you know, low back pain is another big one that can come in the office. Now that's also and we talked about this too, because our posture changes so much in pregnancy, because that center of gravity shifts as the baby grows you can kind of get that sway back, you know, where you really increase that lumbar curve, you've got that change in the curve. So yes, that can definitely cause low back pain. And that low back pain can be it's like musculature. You know, it can be like nerve pain, like there's lots of different things with that. So as far as you know, you got to go through the diagnosis process and figure out what is actually causing that low back pain. But sometimes, too, there's not going to be that complete alleviation of pain and pregnancy. So I do want to preface that as well because like I said, we've completely changed that center of gravity and have shifted our posture,
right. Oh, I expand that.
Yeah, not that you need to stay in that debilitating pain, but I'm, you know, hoping we can make it less get relief guarantee.
Yeah, you get relief, and then you need to probably go back especially during pregnancy as your body is continually changing. Like the regular type of care, you might like get some relief for a little bit and then things might shift and change again and then you might have some more discomfort. Okay, go back, like having that regular consistent type of care will help keep the severe symptoms hopefully at bay or keep them shorter. And so that you can feel your best during pregnancy.
Exactly. Exactly. Um, hips hurting. That's another big one too. Now, I will say this. A lot of people say they have hip pain and then they point to their low back because they think that their low backs, their low back is like hips or whatever. So I'm usually at when I'm in the office. I am always like to point to weathering. Yeah, yeah, so I'm like, is it in the actual hip joint like it's just kind of funny but um, but hip pain is very common to this is where sometimes that surreal about even the Sorolla belt can help with like that pubic symphysis pain got that real like intense or that low, like abdominal pressure, you know, like,
so tell us what the belt is. Yeah, that's
the rule, but it fits really, really low on the hips. That's the crazy part. A lot of people. It's gonna be a little bit higher, but it's really and it kind of like compresses a bit. It's nothing too tight. But it can give just like some added stability. Again, that's going to be relaxing. You know, that's in the body that's causing some of that instability, but also, I mean, I've ran through both my pregnancies. I didn't I never used a roller belt. I never had that low pelvic pressure. I never had that intense like hip pain. So it's not something that everyone is going to experience or need that belt but sometimes that that hit me I almost think of it as like that double hip squeeze. Yes, exactly. Right. Yeah, when I see the belt, I always think of them you know, in the double hip squeeze. I'm also watching that show. This is total sidebar in what is inventing Anna and Netflix and the the journalist in the show is pregnant. And so she's got all these aches and pains and she's also under a lot of stress. So the whole time watching the show, I'm like, girl, I've been so stressed, you need to rest you need to do that, you know, all these things. But um, there's a part in the show where one of the it's not even her husband. It's like a co worker does a double hip squeeze and you see her face and just like the relief and he's like, nine years of marriage and two kids like it's super cute. But anyway, that's awesome. I love I love seeing that. I think there we go. That's that robot that that hit paint. Yes. Um, there's there. There's lots of different reasons for that, too. So again, I'm not going to just say like, Oh, it's just due to this. I mean, I guess I should say to say I could be a lot of different things because you have anatomical variations, but the big part is that nerve issue. Same thing with the hips, you can have different anatomical variations of the hip that are going to just predispose people to pain. But I digress. It's something that I see a lot in the office. And, I mean, I think that's 1234 we did do five right there. That's kind of fun. Because, I mean, we also have on the list like not sleeping well and kind of some of the insomnia stuff but that's not like I think that's one of those things I see people realize after afterwards Yeah, like that's not like they're not coming in for that. It's usually those pain points that people are coming in for but sleep is one of those that is impacted with chiropractic to get
benefit that they don't even know as a benefit until that you're like, how are you sleeping? And they're like, well, better and like, Ah, yes, yes, exactly. Hopefully better, maybe, incrementally, incrementally better. But do you have patients who come see you specifically for mouth positioning or breech presentation? Like they know, like, that's the that's the reason they're there is because they learned that their baby was breech or something like that?
Yes. So it's mostly if it's malposition, it's mostly for breech. And so And going back to we're really looking at Mom's sacral alignment to impact how the muscles and tendons and ligaments are of the uterus, you know, to give baby optimal space to move, right. If that's the reason, obviously, there can be lots of different reasons for breech and we've talked about that in some of the other episodes. There can be anatomical, you know, reasons for it as well. But yes, that's another that's another big one. And then as far as like optimal fetal positioning, most moms aren't coming in with like, Oh, I know I haven't occiput posterior baby or something like that. But they may you know, maybe they had that with their first and so they know like, well, maybe second time around. So um, it's typically it's typically the malposition that's coming in is typically breech. So, or even transverse ly, you know, where they're laying sideways. But,
yeah, yeah. And I know that's definitely what we recommend when if any of our clients have you know, been if their baby is determined to be breech. We definitely recommend chiropractic care as part of their course. And yeah, we talk about optimal fetal positioning a lot. I talk about it in my childbirth education course. And I taught him and I talk about it with our doula clients, because it's super important to how labor begins and unfolds. And so I think encouraging chiropractic care, regardless of any sort of pain or discomfort to encourage and give the best chance of baby being in that optimal fetal position, which is the left occiput anterior, so that means, you know, left side with their back of their head facing front and they're sort of looking at your hip. That's optimal. And they can come out in a lot of different ways they can come out but first feet first, this is all possible. But if we're talking optimal, whereas baby has to turn make, you know, it's the easiest way out, is when they start on the left side, if they start on the right side, they have to do a bigger turn in order to get their head in the right position to to go through all the movements that needs to come out of the pelvis. So we've talked about all kinds of exercises you can do daily activities you can do and then part of that course of care for encouraging optimal fetal position is chiropractic care. So that might be one of those like less visible reasons someone might come see you because they've been drilled by their by their doula or their friends or their chopper educator that like even if nothing's wrong, go see a chiropractor because they can help.
Yes, I know and so I one thing that comes in the office quite a bit and kind of in line with that is because I've even had breached patients where they're not in pain, they just, you know, I my baby's not in the optimal position. So you know, there's no pain or anything like that. But then a statement, kind of, you know, formulating the statement, and what I hear a lot is just wanting moms just wanting to make sure things are lined up. That seems to be it could be potentially help how some childbirth educators and midwives and doulas kind of talk about chiropractic care instead of that, you know, specific definition and getting into that nitty gritty hey, let's just make sure things are lined up to give you the best chance at optimal fetal position and an enjoyable labor, you know, something along those lines. Right. And so that's, that tends to be I guess, the other thing that that comes into the office is just wanting to make sure things are lined up. Yeah, okay. Yeah,
go through, these are the symptoms coming in the office. So I mean, and we kind of talked about it as far as like the hip pain, that's more of a symptom because that's not you know, the actual diagnosis or anything but I want to go through what I see with the moms in the office and then some of those some of those outcomes as well and some of the outcomes being things that they didn't necessarily come into the office for. So a big thing I see is like literally mom's just dragging a leg behind them. Like there's like that bum leg that's like that sciatica pain where it's like, this leg is not working everything, everything hurts. And then that when you're in that level of pain, that impacts your whole life that impacts your sleep that impacts your emotions that impacts your mood. It impacts your ability to care for yourself to care for your other children like that is that's big when you're in that much pain so it's not just that hobbling you know it's I also see the like, Oh my You know, you also have two kids that you're taking care of and your husband works full time or you know, or your whatever those things are like you're you're also those other parts to that you're trying your hardest to function even within the midst of that pain. So that's a big no, no, that's a big one that comes in. Yeah,
that's wonderful. That's very important for people to know that that could be that you could have that kind of experience.
Yes. And to it's, you know, second or experienced moms, I like that experienced moms coming in and you know, trying to be their best self for themselves and also be the best mom to their already child. And then also grow a child. So I remember living in that realm too. And that's like another level of exhaustion. So seeing that in the office, so I think all of those if I had to sum up you know, all of those what this the main reasons people are coming in to pain and what those symptoms are and that type of thing. It really has to do with the their quality of life. And really looking at that impact in the quality of life that we can make when Mom is feeling supported and when we can you know, get them under care and really help that Brain Body Body brain connection and deception of everything.
Yeah, and I think that quality of life improvement is different for everyone in any but a marginal improvement is incredible. And so understand that you don't have to suffer and that you can seek care and that seeking chiropractic care, especially during pregnancy meets many needs, including the emotional mental side, especially someone like yourself, and this is the kind of chiropractic care I would recommend as someone who's kind of looking at the whole body looking at the whole history looking at all the things so that you can really find that where they can improve on like an individualized basis and then also providing resources for you know, is it you need resources for finding community like moms group or is it finding prenatal or postpartum exercise groups? Or is it pelvic floor therapy? Or is it mental health counseling? Like what is it and I feel like you are looking at that whole thing and able to sort of, and that's called, that's entire picture of Matt's entire improvement in quality of life, like incrementally and I think you can help with that. So understanding that like, I know people may not come in knowing that they're going to get that but they are going to leave with that. And if that's not motivating, like I don't know what it is. But that's been my experience under care. That's been what I've learned from you and talking to your clients. And so understanding that bigger picture is what we try and drive home.
Exactly. And you know, that quality of life improvement can even be like, oh, you know what I felt seen and I felt heard, so yeah, but I felt seen and felt heard. And then this person had resources. So like, yeah, go back and listen to Sarah's birth story because we talked about you know, being able to refer her out for perinatal mental health, right, I'm seeing right those type of issues, you know, so that was a big improvement in quality of life, because now we're able to have another resource to handle those stressors, you know,
yeah, it's those stressors, and understand that like life is not linear pregnancy is not linear, womanhood and motherhood, like how we cycled through the world is not linear, and things flow like ebb and flow. And so you might be in one place at one moment, and then the next moment and another and I feel like having care providers such as yourself as well as whomever you seek for your other care, in the other areas, that they're there, they're accepting of that sort of ebb and flow and then they can meet you where you're at and support you along the way and that continuation of that. Always seeking to have care for yourself like prioritizing care for yourself right. As mothers we tend to not prioritize our care I know for me Like recently I took like two years off of going to any sort of I didn't go to the dentist, I didn't go see my you know, got my wall. I don't see a gynecologist anymore, but like, my Well, woman care had fallen off like I tried to go to the dermatologist regularly and all of a sudden I was like all that had non existent for a number of reasons. And then finally I'm gonna step up my and I actually fallen off going to the chiropractor and I was like, okay, all this is coming back. I've got to prioritize my care and it does it makes a difference. And so I just totally took a left turn on our conversation but just trying to encourage people to be proactive in seeking care that that really is looking at the whole and is still making them feel seen and heard and and offering the best care possible so that they can be the best mom and best human and best person for themselves and for their family.
I love your left turn. I've gone on that left. Sidebar, like something shiny. That but that's an I think how you put that though is when you
I see this though, like you see in the office. Oh, I'm gonna come in and get adjusted. Oh, what is a doula will give me more information on that. It's that cascading event of you being able to find support for yourself, you know, so and we've talked about this before, but like maybe you start with finding that doula and you're like, Oh, well, what isn't midwife, oh, I can give birth at home or what is chiropractic care? Like, it's all of those little things. And so that was kind of just your left turn. I was like, Oh my gosh, I need to prioritize these things. These things make me feel good. These things help me to be my best self. You know, and so it's the same thing in pregnancy too,
and to support you where you're at, and then it's a flow, right? And I think this is why when we started with the topic of like, Okay, five reasons because that felt like oh, nice and tidy. And then the reason that was hard is because it's like, sure there were like the five symptoms, but it's like you and I know there's so much more as to like, benefit to seeking chiropractic care. So there might be reasons people are coming in, but I think where we go with that is like sure we can address these actual symptoms you're feeling that are very real, but then oh, look what else comes from it. And I think that's why it's like there's it's a bigger picture type of conversation.
That is exactly it. That is there. Like I know the pain brings the people in the door. So I'm going to talk about that, you know, this pain can be reduced, and you can feel better and those types of things. But what I really want you to know is that your quality of life can improve. Yes. You just don't even know it. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah. And we didn't even get to mention that seeking chiropractic care during pregnancy can help shorten the length of your labor. It can help reduce the use of unnecessary interventions. It can help with your physical recovery after the birth, it can help reduce your overall pain during the birth. I mean, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. It's Yes, you can't beat that.
Yes. And you know, I've got I'm going to put a link in the references because I have a whole blog that I wrote about chiropractic care during pregnancy and about Webster technique. And then I have a link for the Webster technique definition got a link for the pathways, magazine pathways to family wellness, because it's a chiropractic based magazine. I don't even know there was a talk about in here, but I'm linking to it because it's really good. And then the international chiropractic Pediatric Association has lots of research publications, so they do all kinds of research with that. So that's where some of that, you know, some of those statements can come through as far as you know, quicker, easier births. Those types of quality of life improvements. So they do multi office studies. So they're all they're looking they icpa will have offices do surveys for, you know, for their moms, and then they compile it over internationally. And this is the results that we're seeing, you know, women starting under care here and then this is the improvements that we've seen in the quality of life and all of those quality of life measures and sometimes those I don't know, those are most more important to me than like the reduction of pain. I mean, like I want you to feel better, but I want you to function better and so that's why I'm looking at nervous system function and part of that function is that quality of life, which is also
an acetate. I think that's why you do what you do and you try and get people to that end result. But you know, what, what's ultimately gonna bring them in is like the very finite things, but you your bigger picture, and that's what you you get them there and you you slowly guide them there. And that's what's so cool about what what you do you gently sort of expose them and share them so that they end up with that quality of life improvement even though that's not why they came in.
That's how you can get that I've never had that happen like my quality of life. Yeah, um, well, would you like to share your take? Yeah, let me do this one. So ability to take care of kids better and then better nervous system function, so better able to deal with the stressors of life. So that was the main things of like, you know, patients this is what they see and they didn't necessarily come in for so. I hope I wrapped that up. Good. You did
you did. I do want to ask you before we close this out is about any the misconception about chiropractic care? Because I've learned this through my own experiences that I'd like for you to try and share with us the sort of quick fix that people might expect from chiropractic care that may not always exist, and so kind of reframing the perception so that people can have like realistic expectations.
Um, you know, don't we all just want a quick fix. Nobody wants to make the easy button like, right? I want to Yeah, I just want to take this and I want to keep not working out and just keep eating my food and I mean, I get it, but um, I mean, the same thing. It's kind of the same thing with chiropractic like, yes, I've got some patient testimonials of moms where it was after one adjustment their sciatica was like gone or like so vastly improved. And you hear a lot of times offices, you know, if you follow them on social media or whatnot, they try they do say those things and they'll have those things, you know, posted in all post it too, but the reality is, is that that's not always the case. And I kind of attribute it to if you're coming into the office and you are a 30 year old, you know, pregnant female, you've had 30 years of life. And so and now you're 26 weeks pregnant, and you've got really bad sciatica, surround ligament pain and can't sleep well and you want this fixed in one adjustment. I mean, there's limitations to matter. So, you know, we do what we can, but and it's not that you've done anything wrong in your life, you know, this is this is where we're at and you could have been adjusted your whole life to and it's gonna be like, well, it's gonna still take a bit. You're the summation of everything that's gone on. So yes, you can get immediate relief sometimes. And yes, you cannot. So it just, you've got to give it time you gave your body time to get to that point where it's at. Let's give it some time to really, to really heal and to let like innate be able to come in and the body be able to function better and yes, sometimes that takes time.
Yeah. And I just think that's important to know. And that's where I shifted from how I used to perceive chiropractic care to how I see it now and I'm like I'm long term, you know, care type of person when it comes to chiropractic and, and that it's part of routine, like routine well care, you know, so even if you're not in pain or sick, seeing a chiropractor can still help maintain that.
I talked about that in the office to that maintenance of it because you know, then I hear that you know, oh, once you go the chiropractor, you gotta keep going forever. We're gonna make you do anything. You don't have to write No, of course. No, no. Um, what I find and because it was, it's my own true life experience as well, is that I want to stay under care, because I experienced no care and then I experienced care and then a little bit of time off and then back to care. And I don't want to I don't want to deviate from that again. Yep. So that's a lot of times what people notice and so it's never it's never the you know, yeah, you gotta be under care for your whole life. You know, in a race if I'm training for a race, I'm getting adjusted more often than if I'm just lollygagging. And my job is hard to so I'm pretty much getting adjusted once a week because I'm hard on my body.
Yeah, I'm going right now twice a week because I had not gone forever.
So that's part of it. too. And every campaign is so different. I get a lot I get a lot of those calls. Well, how often should I be seen? I haven't even even even come in the office. Yeah, I do not give blanket statement care plays because it's so different. You know, it changes for me. Yeah, exactly. So it will it will change for you once you get back to more of that maintenance. But I always say to you, let's get back on track. You know, let's kind of get back to things but the beautiful thing is though is that you're doing that I never like to shun or point the finger and judge you know people to as far as falling off the track. I miss them. I miss my people when they're gone. Because I know the benefits of it. But when they do come back and they're like, Okay, yeah. What can we do to support you? This is awesome that you're coming back because life is hard.
Yeah, every carpenter I've ever seen is like, this is what I think I recommend for you, but do what you can with what you got where you're at, like you've got kids like, you know, if you come when you can't, I'm here for you. And if you can come this much great. And if not fine, let's just do what we can. So I've never ever experienced that. I'm not saying there are people who who shave lotion, but help people understand like, no, like they're more likely not going to do that to you and if they do seek someone else, find someone who meets you where you're at and support you, no matter what you can do. So yeah,
exactly. But yeah, that quick fix that one and then that's real. I know. Maybe not real life so sometimes it happens but no that's fine. Everything I know I always be talking so
girl you shared so much stuff. It was so good. I can't wait to share this with the with our audience. I think they'll find it really helpful. And I think that's everything. Do you have anything else to add before we close out? I do
want to put in there. So I'm going to link to the AICPA research publications. But there are ways to find a Webster certified chiropractor also through the AICPA website so you could plug your zip code in and find a chiropractor that way too. And so that way, you can find one in your area.
Perfect. Definitely check that out if you're not local.
Yep, yep. Well, thank you so much. This was fun today. And yeah, hopefully you have learned something today and if you did be sure to subscribe. Leave a rating and review. We love that and it helps us reach more people and lets us know that you you know like what you're listening to and like what we're talking about.
Yeah, definitely do that guys. And stay tuned next week for a new episode. Have a beautiful day.